Had monkey in the Philippines, BBQ'd on a stick, had dog also... also BBQ'd .... both not bad .. also octopus and squid in Hong Kong ... had Iguana in Australia, tasted like gator or snapping turtle ... Ive also had various African game and most wild big game of N. America at one time or another ..
I have seen DJT on the Lolita Express pax manifest, but not to Orgy Island. It was Europe, IIRC. If they had proof that DJT was on Orgy Island, don't you think They would have used it? If I'm wrong, I am wrong. Much as I like Il Donaldo I would never stick up for a kiddie diddler.
roughly 15% are those at the top, the other 15% are those at the very bottom, and the other 3% is the margin of error.
speaking of twats, if this one had a quarter of a brain, she'd be invoking the 25th and measuring curtains in the WH. But she's also full retard: https://twitter.com/i/status/1481626312041246721 Harris says: “It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down.”
the rest of the interview was just as bad. I think she has vertigo from standing upright. She's just not used to it. There's no way she got through law school or her professional life vertically. Rachel Duffy-Campos opened her show tonight with that clip immediately followed by one of my favorite Billy Madison bits-