What were his exact words that are under scrutiny? I didnt hear the speech myself. All i heard was he said we need to “ fight like hell” but followed that with “ we will march PEACEFULLY over there”. Then told people to go home once the stuff hit the fan. If the phrase “fight like hell” means to go do what happened then alot of people would be rioting everyday. I “fought like hell” to get my tax bill lowered. I “fought like hell” to hold a full time job and get my degree. I “fought like hell” when insurance didnt want to pay for my daughters medical procedures. In not one of those cases where i fought like hell did i commit an act of violence. If that was taken out of context by a mob of radicals then no i dont think that is on Trump. Was there something else he said that directed people to be violent?
He said "fight much harder", among other incendiary comments. But, equally as important, at that very rally, Giuliani, who is Trump's lawyer, said "let's have trial by combat"! Does that sound like it was taken out of context by the mob to you?? Answer me honestly. People take Trump at his literal word, they don't know any better. Trump did/said nothing to alter those particular words, just threw more fuel on the fire. I hope it answers your question.
I have a few questions for folks now. My gov in Michigan where schools had to be closed in November fast forward to Jan and puff "Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Friday strongly encouraged all K-12 schools in Michigan to offer in-person instruction by March 1 and earlier if possible, but she stopped short of requiring it saying face-to-face classes should at least be an option." What has changed, oh yes the President
Could it also be about $? Most Department of Ed rules require x days of in class (traditionally, in person) learning... I've not checked, but would bet there was state or fed emergency orders (or cares act) provisions that have them a temporary relief... Seems the gravy from the gravy train is running low. And since most state ed monies come from the federal teet... Maybe the great success and adoption of the vaccine... (in either case) No worries, Joe will fix it. :eyeroll:
We are living amongst the biggest con artists to ever grace this country. Donald Trump. Con artist. Cuomo. Con artist. Fox News. Con artists. CNN. Con artist.
If Trump told you to jump off a bridge...... These folks had violence in mind when they went there....your giving Trump more credit than is due, but it fits the narrative.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
damn dude, you really ARE a useful idiot of the left ... your thinking is truly screwed ... I posted that Trumps approval went up, not down after the happenings of 'some people' last week .. ( that was sarcasm for those in Rio Linda) .. his approval is still up per Rasmussen who had the most correct polling data of the last two POTUS elections btw ... it is easy to see you are one who is for the silencing of anyone who is pro conservative/Pro Trump... if you were not, you wouldnt keep parroting the headlines of CNN ...
So, early in......by your own measure, every single one of these people should be removed from office and charged with crimes. They were far more clear and concise than DT about promoting civil unrest. Please explain the double standard or difference. Just the agenda? "fight much harder...." I laughed out loud. That was seriously the best you could come up with????
Im not a criminal attorney so im not sure on the fine lines there. I guess they would have to prove intent? Idk. What im pretty confident about is that the outcome would have been the same whether trump was there or at mar-a-lago. Just for sh!ts and giggles though lests assume youre correct and Trump broke the law and incited a riot. I ask you who should be responsible and face charges for the events that happened this summer? Months of destruction, injury and death. Property held hostage in a state of anarchy for weeks on end. Explosives, drugs, murder, rape all happened during that time. So my thinking is, if the justice system didnt charge any of them for doing the same thing then why now? Id also ask because i dont know or remember, did you speak as ardently as you do now against trump in the same way about the democrats who supported BLM and the anarchists this summer? Whether trump gets impeached or charged is one thing. Its the hypocrisy that i have a hard time with.
Not sure about con artist...greedy and fear mongering. My wife reminded me last night, the time we are living in parallels that which is recorded in the the Book of Judges in the Bible. Whether you believe in God or not, a great analogy. I'll let the biblical scholars correct me, but... In short, the Jews wanted a king... They really were at a dark time in their history and didn't care about (if their leader was a God fearing,) moral or actually good leader. They got one...lived to regret (sinned) and repeated over and over...
Seriously, I'm done with the denials and rationalization. This thread does nobody any good. It's the same old, same old. I'm certain of the comments to follow, but I'll live with it. I'll return to what I got on this site for originally, hunting.
Many a Dem leader made inflammatory comments during that time. Some said to fight back violently. So when things happened were they held accountable? No. I'm not saying storming the Capitol was anything other than illegal and ridiculous, I'm just pointing out the obvious hypocrisy.
So much for all that healing the nation and bridging the divide nonsense. I'm starting to think OND might be right, they aren't going to stop with just gun sites.
Freedom of speech and expression are under attack. When are they going to shut down rap videos/songs that glamorize guns and violence? They won't because it makes too much money. We all get it. All these actors wanting to shut down gun sales and then they go out and make ultra violent movies which glamorize death and destruction. All about money. Less and less real people in this world.
Just read the transcript of the Trump speech... Would anyone like to tell me where he incited a riot, (or insurrection as the media so quickly termed it)? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk