I was referring to Trump losing his Twitter account, which he should have long ago. I don't know why Ron Paul's account was banned, but his son Rand Paul, who wasn't backing the vote contest said, Trump's pre-riot speech was "irresponsible". Whith truth floating in the family, I don't went down there.
Yep, none of those oppressive dictatorships have to worry, Trump's doing their dirty work for them. They couldn't have it better right now. Here's a good one! Lindsey Graham says he was disappointed that the House is trying to hold the president accountable, rather than just sweeping it under the rug in the name of healing. Five people killed in an attack on the US Capitol, and he wants to "sweep it under the rug"! In the name of healing???? You can't make this stuff up. He ought to ask the families of those five people that died if they're OK with sweeping it under the rug!!
Can't even follow your own propaganda net work,laughable... CNN: 5 deaths at capital breech,1 officer killed, 1 woman rioter shot and killed, 3 DEATHS FROM MEDICAL ISSUES
Not to have a dead measuring contest. But Nobody cared about holding politicians accountable for American lives in 2020. 25 people were killed in the riots. 1-2 billion in damages. Countless lives severely impacted/ruined. But those deaths are acceptable. The selective outrage is unreal. It’s our fault I guess. We should have been more vocal about demanding justice. Real justice. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I still do not see where he crossed the line to have the blame cast on him. Maybe im missing something. From what ive read, because im ignorant on the law and wanted to learn a little before i opened my mouth, incirement to riot does not include advocacy of ideas or expression of belief. It seems that no crime was committed even though a tragedy occurred. To add to that, does anyone not see the hypocrisy here? All summer long cities burned, people were hurt and killed, terrorists took city blocks hostage and lived in a lawless state for weeks. Which political figures, groups, celebrities, or anyone of status have been banned from a social media platform for instigating those events? Because they did in fact do that. Who was charged for any of it?
Disagree. We live in a republic, not a monarchy/dictatorship - to think otherwise is foolish. Trump is a progressive albeit an unconventional one and on the conservative spectrum and driven by greed and self interest...the same as your seem to advocate for, but under the democrats. It's the same. You ignore the prior precedent of history (prior contesting of electoral college formerly only by Dems it seems, attacks and protests mainly by liberal causes and having caused billions in destruction in the US in 2020 alone, etc). You've yet to add any substantial dialog, cite or provide a link which would hold water in a court of law that Trump would be held guilty. You reside in your own echo chamber and will see the decline of our country and I'd predict demise within 100 yrs. You have made it to my ignore list, congrats. At least Germ, who I often disagree with, will on occasion engage in some thought provoking exchange. Sionara.
Seriously???? The entire WORLD saw/heard it. They seem to see it very differently. No hiding this disgrace. Hence, everybody and their brother all over the country and the world wanting nothing to do with Trump, or the name for that matter. Bill Belichick wouldn't even accept the Medal of Freedom award from him. The PGA and the corporate world want nothing to do with him either. He's been chastised by many world leaders as well. It's to the point where there's but a sliver of dedicated republicans left still standing with Trump. The others broke ship and want nothing to do with him.. All he has left now is whatever remains of his base, which will erode over time.