Oh Geez like I didn't see that coming, or the Venezuela thing. just wait for the China military moves within the next....3 months. I won't even bother mentioning the middle east it's just going to be sad and scary.
Bend the knee, it's the only way. Watch how they run in 2022 and then watch the even bigger chit show in 2024. I'm telling you, their masks are off, they have nothing to hide anymore.
What insane asylum do we need to call to let know one of their patients have escaped? But alas, you got me man. I spent all summer not thriving in capitalism and working my ass off but stuffing mail-in ballots for dead people and cashing Soros checks, well when I wasn't burning and looting. Marxism or bust! What a loon.
OK GUYS, DON'T SHOOT THE MESSENGER HERE : I really like this site. It goes beyond saying it's more than the political rant thread. So considering what is happening I'm suggesting for the sites sake that the political thread be removed. When you look at what Google, pinerest,twitter,facebook and a few others have done and are planning. Well the loss of an entire site due to the opinions of really a realative few, that includes me, isn't worth it.
Currently being unleashed in America is an unprecedented targeting of all genuine opposition to an embedded political establishment that’s foundation was rocked to its core by the election of outsider President Trump in 2016. Its purpose goes well beyond Donald Trump. The real goal is to send a clear message to a disobedient citizenry that it is not allowed to go off the reservation when choosing its elected representatives. Enemies Of The Ruling Class “I will be a President for all Americans — whether you voted for me or not,” Biden proclaimed on Nov. 7 while savoring his electoral victory. I am here to destroy America and push Socialism ..YOU WILL OBEY !! Enemies Of The Ruling Class “I will be a President for all Americans — whether you voted for me or not,” Biden proclaimed on Nov. 7 while savoring his electoral victory. I will destroy free speech, and put my sycophants on all dissenters ..I AM THE CANCELER IN CHIEF ... A control nexus is being implemented. What is being normalized as a proper response to red-hat “sedition” should alarm anyone who cares about civil liberties. The nation’s largest flight attendants’ union called for a no-fly ban to be imposed on Trump advocates flying home from Washington. “Some of the people who traveled in our planes… participated in the insurrection at the Capitol today,” the Association of Flight Attendants said in a statement. “Acts against our democracy, our government and the freedom we claim as Americans must disqualify these individuals from the freedom of flight.” Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, decried the “heinous domestic terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol” as he echoed the demand. Long-Prepared Operation Norman Ornstein of the Swamp think tank American Enterprise Institute lost no time in proclaiming that “[t]he House must as an immediate step pass a domestic terrorism statute, with a focus on white supremacist terrorism, and send it to the Senate.” Dominant media parrots chimed in. ABC News political director Rick Klein asserted that the nation must be “cleansed” of Trumpism. “The fact is that getting rid of Trump is the easy part,” Klein stated in a tweet on Jan. 7. “Cleansing the movement he commands, or getting rid of what he represents to so many Americans, is going to be something else.” Are you ready for your purification, MAGA hats? Klein’s words are hardly an outlier. In November, well before the Great Capitol Infamy, David Atkins, a regional director for the California Democratic Party, unveiled his notion of healing under Joe Biden. “No, seriously how do you deprogram 75 million people?” Atkins asked on his Twitter account. “Where do you start? Fox? Facebook? We have to start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan. Or the failures of Reconstruction in the South.” Social media behemoths were standing by. A massive purge of Trump and his supporters on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other major outlets is now taking place. As Liberty Nation has reported, all this has been in the works for some time. Biden’s inner circle of advisors inhabits the same orbit as leading Swamp organizations of a blue hue that have been pushing the “Trump Supporters Are Domestic Terrorists” theme incessantly since the summer of 2015. Neera Tanden is Biden’s pick to head the Office of Management and Budget. She is also president and CEO of the Center for American Progress. This progressive establishment organization posted an action paper on its website on Oct. 30, just days before the presidential election, outlining the urgent need for Congress to pass legislation to counter what it calls far-right terrorism. The paper makes clear just how closely the overhyped events of Jan. 6 coincide with the Establishment’s desired portrayal of Trump backers: The events in our U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 easily could have been avoided. It was more desirable to entrenched powers in Washington that they be allowed to happen. Demonizing all America First adherents as domestic terrorists is the magic key that opens the whole ugly box of oppression, and oppression is one way socialists/Marxist's start their attack on free speech and the rest of our God given rights ..... beware of the cancel crowd, they will come for YOU next .. ~
I don't think the thread needs to be deleted, that would just mix it into other threads which is why this thread was created to begin with. That said I'm bowing out for a bit. Wasted energy and no one is going to convert the other so the senseless bickering back and forth is fruitless.
I dont mind discussing politics, just hate being called a libtard, Marxist and whatever else Jeff reads on his nutty conspiracy theory websites to copy and paste just bc I do not care for trump and his rhetoric. But ultimately I'm here for archery and plan to bow out of this chitshow too.
yep, tuck tail and run, roll over, show your bellies ... figures ... when libs/Anti-Trumpers get pushed in a corner with facts and truth they either resort to "RACIST" or turn and run. Conservatism is the light, being a #neverTrumper/Marxist/socialist/Democrat is the darkness ... true Patriots never stop the fight against Tyranny, Biden is Tyranny .. ......
Like I said before, it's time to shut up and go underground, learn from history. This site is literally in jeopardy because of just one thread. I Do Not want to say I warned you. I want to see posts on hunting. It's not a matter of showing belly as in the Republican party( theres s told you so in whats happening), it's being smarter.
since when is Conservatism, Constitutionalism and putting America first a 'cult' ... once again YOU prove exactly what I have said you are ... you and Early both continue to prove my points .... do you think the patriots of Concord and Lexington were a cult ?? ..you dont get it, liberals/Dems/Rino's/Cino's never will ... BTW, remember this, this country was built on sedition, our forefathers/patriots were traitors to the King of England .... there were even those like yourself not wanting to take on the King ... you either stand up for the rights we have, or lose them, the Dems want our rights gone (1A/2A, and the rest modified to suit their whim)...