Where is the outrage ?? Pelosi Tried to Foment a Military Coup Against Trump Those on the left have been accusing President Donald Trump of fomenting an insurrection because of the Capitol protest. But Trump never called for violence or a riot. But these are the same people who for four years tried to take out and undermined the duly elected president of the United States through a false Russia Collusion hoax story. These are the same people who rioted on Trump’s Inauguration Day, attacking and setting fire to thing in Washington, D.C.(By the way, all those arrested in those attacks were ultimately released without any time for their actions). These are the same people who refused to go to his election, calling him illegitimate. These are the same people who ignored attacks on federal buildings for the last several months because they were perpetrated by those on the left, ignored over 700 law enforcement officers being injured and over 32 people being killed. These are the same people who celebrated the BLM radicals at their Democrat convention. Kamala Harris and 13 Biden staffers even donated and encouraged people to donate to a fund to bail out rioters. They’ve spent four years fomenting an effort to take Trump out. They are everything they accuse Trump of being. They failed to take him out before. But even with just 11 days left before inauguration, they’re still trying. https://www.independentsentinel.com...o-arrange-a-military-coup-and-thats-sedition/ thehttps://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/08/us/politics/trump-impeachment-pelosi.html reported a piece of information yesterday that didn’t seem to bother them. The rest of the media ignored it. However, it is evidence that a political leader has committed an act of sedition. (Pelosi) Speaker Pelosi spoke with General Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, about making certain President Trump couldn’t launch a nuke. She also suggested they remove the President with a military coup.
I don't see a path to everyone getting along and coming together in the short term. For the past 8 years at minimum we have been driven apart through a seated President, once by the left and then by the right, but the whole time the media was on the same page and eroded things further with their "set the tone" narrative and headlines. Once Trump announced his candidacy the media and celebrity elites of the world set the tone to what was to be for the next 5 years. It was nonstop and unrelenting 24-7 for 5 straight years, some may have been justified but the constant assault on a duly elected President who's MO was to punch back created a nonstop clash. I've said it once and I will say it again. Obama's legacy/Presidency whatever you want to call it brought us all to President Trump. No ifs, ands or buts about it, the past 4 years have been the result of 8 years of Obama, PERIOD! Fast forward 4 years from then and we have a President who is likely going to be removed from office in his final days. So be it, or is that Awomen(?), Trump will not be our President in 10 days regardless of whether attempts to oust him sooner succeed. Now we have the soon to be President and the former President he served with creating further divide stating how if African Americans had been gathering in the Capital security would have been different. D.C. is our Capital, the building that was raided is our Capitol for those needing spelling corrections. So now, Biden has been elected and the calls are for peace and healing, yet he is coming in guns blazing with further racial divide before he is ever inaugurated. We have to forget about what has occurred the past 6+ years because the left has taken over and all is well in the world. How are we supposed to come together when the only narrative is racial divide and/or political divide being broadcast 24 7 on multiple media outlets? If there is anything in the constitution that needs amended a bit, maybe it is the Freedom of the Press or at least the moderation of it. The Press is becoming far too strong on their powers of influence rather than their being limited of reporting the truth. Facebook and Twitter are being praised for deleting/banning Conservative accounts. Yet they are protected to do so, so I'll ask this question to everyone. What is the difference between Trump being on twitter and facebook and Cuomo, Hannity, Fowler etc being on a major news platform speaking their opinion not the news. This question has nothing to do with Wed. Capitol raid, just asking why 24 hour News networks are any different than Twitter and Facebook? Hell, add in late night talk shows as well, haven't watched one in over a decade but am forced to watch their promos during sporting event commercials. Do you think any of these News outlets will ever accept another Republican candidate? I don't, they know the strategy now and will continue it. MTV killed the radio and later the music video channel of which they first created. CNN killed the nightly News when they launched, and later the credibility of News itself. No one needs 24 hours of news as their is no news(for the most part) that needs 24 hours of coverage.
Case in point, Apple and Google banning Parler. I wouldn't get it, but they are basically saying free speech or platforms for groups are not allowed, but come to Liberal leaning apps and we'll keep an eye on ya.
I do not know man, but we as a country need to figure something out. There are only a few possible outcomes left if the divide continues. And I don’t think anyone here wants those. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Mike Pence was Trump's running mate, and he stood by Trump's side through thick and thin, almost connected at the hip if you will. This has gone on for the better part of 5 years now. Even when Trump was wrong on something, Pence would sit back and let things flow, which settled well with Trump. But, when the rubber met the road (election count) and Pence had to do his Constitutional Duty, which he did, Trump turned on him like the snake that he is. Trump was so wrapped up in own little world that he was WILLING to put Mike Pence's life on the line, which he did during that breach, to get that election count delayed. This is the work of somebody who cares for himself ONLY!! All of you Trump worshipers who throw your money at him are only pawns in his chess game. You are disposable. ANYBODY who doesn't march in lock step with him is disposable. He has proven it time and again! You need to understand this! I forget who's signature this is, but it comes to mind whenever I think of Trump. It goes something like this. "You can judge the character of a man by how he treats people who can do nothing for him". Profound words, to say the least. One last thing, then I need to leave for several hours. As I mentioned, I have no dog in the stimulus check fight, but I want to mention that if Biden doesn't come through for the voters he PROMISED $2000 checks to, I will consider him a liar of the highest order. Like I said, I'll call a foul when I see one, no matter who you are!
This is exactly where I am at, not actually fishing because it is chilly this morning but I know what a crap show it is and will continue to be, I am sick of it I am going to just watch my own damn bobber. Look after my family and keep working. Look at the cities in the far distance and think they are all nucking Futs.