Well time to stop being stupid....time to shut up and go underground learn historic lessons....then go from there.
I drove my chevy to the levy!!!!! It's gone... Get on with life! History will be written by an author with an opinion! Always is...
BTW...Absolutely everything that happens from this time forward falls squarely on Biden, Pelosi, Harris, AOC, and Schumers shoulders. A group of bigger power mad fools have never existed in this country.
Yep, you can blame Biden for the mess that's going to continue because of what Trump already started. WOW!!
That is one possibility that I have considered. But there are plenty of other protests in DC throughout the years in which you can see news helicopters flying over the Capitol. Go look and see. Even if the media was shortsighted enough to not request access. Or were denied airspace directly over the Capitol for some reason. The airspace that they were allowed in gives a great view of the western wall that was so famously scaled. Yet I have not seen any footage of that. Or the March down PA avenue You mean to tell me the media didn’t think to get footage of the rally marching? Idk. I will say it’s a possibility. I am not a conspiracy nut, I’m not going to pretend I have the answers. But there is so much more than what the media is telling everyone. So many things here just smell awful. (Funny side note about the western Capitol wall, there was a big, beautiful, walkway that was maybe 300 feet to the left, with steps that led up to the wall. and it was unobstructed,you could walk right on up on the wall it if you wished. Those morons didn’t have to risk injury by climbing anything) Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I have to admit, I did not notice the lack of choppers at that scene. I didn't even give it a though until you mentioned it. It's a great point you bring up! Not referring to the choppers necessarily, but there's still much to be learned yet. That could have been an air space thing.
You are in a category of your own,really, Trump never started this. Now try to read this slowly, perhaps it will sink in. The Democratic party,with Rinos,and fueled by main stream media started ALL of this 5 years ago. Well no, Let me amend that. Obama started the divisions with his rhetoric years before that. He taught the media their first lessons while in office. Step in line or I will crush you using government offices.ie the IRS.
once again you continue to lie out your backside .. Trump never said anything close to that, never meant anything close to that...only in your warped mind did you hear anything ... I never saw anything on CREDIBLE news outlets that came close to what your alleging ... CREDIBLE outlets ... not CNN, not MSNBC, Not Axios, not any of the socialist/Marxist/Left leaning sites that you gleen your twisted anti-Trump info from ...
You may or may not be aware but on that very day we had another terrorist threat. One of those dirka dirka types had from the middle east promised to park another plane in the DC area. It was discussed earlier in the day but dismissed after the extra curricular activities got underway.
I was not aware of that. That could be a plausible explanation for the helicopters not being there later in the day. All I know is there were helicopters around all day, and then there were none. It was odd Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
So he didn't organize a stop the steal rally for weeks on social media and get people worked up with unfounded evidence or lack thereof? Okay. What does Trial by Combat mean? Peacefully gather and sing kumbyya? So let's say the crowd was 100k strong. Is it so far fetched to say that 2-8% of those supporters had bad intentions and carried this out? According to you throughout this thread it was ANTIFA, does that mean the true Trump patriots don't have the courage to do this, standing up for what they believe and whatnot bc they had to have ANTIFA lead the way?
I’d be curious to know when the plane threat was made to see if the timeline matches up to the helicopters disappearing. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I'll tell you why .... the fake news media is spinning this all they can to create an illusion, it is what they do along with the Democrat politicians and then fools like Early In are the gullible public that fall for their lies ..... Remember, Early In wants to restrict free speech, stop what Trump supporters are saying.. look at the attacks from the lefties in Big Tech right now.... Early In is supportive of what they are doing I'm sure ... this is the socialist/Marxist way .... you MUST squash the free speech of the right and your opponents so the dupes like Early In and the rest of his brethren will only hear what is said from their masters ... Marx/Mao/Stalin/Pol Pot would be so proud right now .... smh ...
Speaking to the lack of added security ect ..pretty simple without having to resort to crazy conspiracys. The president with his band of seditious bastards set this up to disrupt our government. Why the hell would they want to hinder that by added security ect placed there before hand? After all Trump and his lot of Seditious bastards were having a party while they were waiting for his supporters to fall on their swords. https://www.theweek.in/news/world/2...ching-supporters-rally-hours-before-riot.html
Did you read what I said to you 2 days ago? Everyone at the rally was partying, singing songs like Gloria! I mentioned that song by name. In fact, I was getting annoyed with Gloria, they played it like 5 times I told you the energy of the crowd was just like every other Trump rally the president has done. Like the home crowd at a football game.