Yes, he is from a little town of a couple of people. The mayor was on the news last night talking about how embarrassed and mad everyone is for making the national news this way.
Funny you take that as no great concern. There are many out there who take it as an absolute concern! Based on what we watched Wednesday, any intelligent person would. Trump has PROVEN he can't be trusted. The world has opened their eyes this time.
I am hope I am right about the democrats, however, if there is ever a time where I would be wrong, I think we will see it in the next two years. There scariest thing to me is that if Pelosi remains Speaker, she is third in line for presidency. I am not convinced Biden will make it through his first term, which means she may will end up VP behind Harris.
Just had an interesting phonecall with a die hard republican friend. For reasons beyond me, he is starting a fund to oust James Lankford from office in two years. Kept on foaming at the mouth about Sedition and his role in the Sedition gang of idiots. I will say the next few years might be kinda interesting, we the people might just get a decent government. People are sick of this. I think my buddy is going a little rogue by Oklahoma standards but good for him.
Turn off the TV... Pelosi and Biden daily briefing on national media are not helping (them or us) either...and if Iran was able to muster an attack on US soil, the next about 6 weeks would be prime. Since the jackass elect has already started publically he didn't think he was getting the attention his team needed. Joes daily ***** sessions are adding fuel, not healing. States and local munis also are doing nothing to help themselves piling on...Just acknowledging how weak our country has become.
Better to be in the hands of someone that displays symptoms of dementia in 2 weeks? Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Wednesday evening got more negative press than all the other looting and riots of all of 2020 combined. Multi billions in damage compared to one day of 1000-ish people storming a building. Not to downplay what happened. It was an embarrassment to the country but it was also a setup. Good thing Trump supporters arent as easily swayed as the crowds we saw in portland and the like. That Capitol building would be a pile of ash and rubble.
Which people do you refer to showing up with guns. I was referring to the instigators swaying the crowd. Call them paid agitators, Antifa, whoever. I didnt see much about people with guns
Nothing wrong with that. Every household needs a designated *******. I'd prefer that it was me so that my wife and family would be spared the job.
He is around. Been having a private chat with him and another member about some ideas MIDNR is floating for hunting tags.