Time for a little laugh, not that death is funny but this tragedy will definitely by in the running for a Darwin award... *No, I did not fact check this. I was too busy laughing and thinking "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."
Careful, my Canadian friend. We are a country founded on treason, like it or not. Revisionists would be hard pressed to change that truth.
Technically, I am American, just raised abroad for the entirety of my childhood. I am old enough now that I have spent enough years living in America to say I am American, not Canadian. My lovely wife pointed that out a couple of years ago on my birthday. Treason is justified when an oppressive government does what Britain was doing to the colonists. It is not justified today, not yet anyway. We will have to see how it goes. In reality, I think the worse thing that will happen is what happens every time the democrats hold the majority in congress and the presidency; taxes go up, inflation goes up, and the economy tanks until the voters realize they like keeping their money.
Please tell me this is the guy from Arkansas. That sounds like an dumb Arkansas Redneck thing to do. Is this the same guy that was sitting in Pelosi's desk?
Open in incognito mode on your browser. My lord https://www.washingtonpost.com/inve...G0MsfhzINP1MVMHrWwJmRgSLJ2aPyUIy7MGKeL07w5RIY
Yeah you are, just like me you do not like being told you look or sound old, we are old and grizzled and kinda pissed at the current conditions.
No, it's not the same guy. But, they did arrest the guy at Pelosi's desk. He's now going to find out just how small a jail cell really is. He'll have plenty of time to think about how nice it was to be free. I think they did mention him being from Arkansas.
They really did! I felt bad watching, knowing they were far out numbered like that. So bad, in so many ways.
Speaking of grizzled.... That old sow Pelosi is just making a complete azz of herself. I now understand why she had such a difficult time getting up from her fake kneel a few months ago...the set of balls that woman is carrying around most weigh on her. Concerns over the nuclear codes! She just topped all past shows of contempt she has for the American peoples intelligence. Ahhhhh maybe I am a bit grizzled,but I'm not rewording that...
Gotta give you some grief me friend Unfortunately, I used to think similarly regarding the Dems. Let's talk about it in 10 years... To see if your perspective has shifted any. With age, I've become more jaded...I'll leave it there.
I dont think she is the only one worried about that. 12 days is a long time to make one irreversible split second decision. Not that I think Trump would but I wouldn't bet any of my money on that.