Sota, we don't agree on a lot of things, but I believe you're a good guy either way. Your heart is there. We will continue to disagree, but I still like you.
Isn't there a group hug meme? Despite any attacks I've had launched at me, I still like the group as a whole. How can I not like somebody who I've never actually met, or spoken too. We really are in the same boat.
I would break bread and have a beer with anyone on this forum and pick up the check. We all need to step back and ponder the perspective I get why you would say hell no to the republicans when Trump got elected, heck the only reason I like him was because of those that hated him, then again I always liked a heel.
Funny you bring up the dislikes. I believe I hold the site record for dislikes. I'm hoping somebody proves me wrong. It's really just a result of two disgruntled zealots. One past, one present.
Hate that the vikings suck I usually pick up more dislikes when they have disillusions of adequacy. Like covid we are all having an off year.
Parity would seem just, but you'd get screwed a second time by a tax hike or debt passed to your heirs to colbert the cost. No on debt forgiveness. This is more 'everybody deserves a trophy' thinking and perpetuating a lack of personal accountability.