I had great 2020 bow season, super happy...best part its it not over yet. One more hunt for the 20/21 season in a couple weeks. Fingers crossed for
Frying up tendies in a cast iron pan with a stick of butter makes you forget about the world, even if it lasts for only a few minutes...
The 2020 season made me understand that I really do need to find new hunting ground. lol I'm just not seeing the deer like I used to.
I reached a milestone that I thought would never happen. By golly who says a blind sow never finds an acorn!
so now they want to impeach Trump...do these politicians really think this is worth the hassle? I mean 2 weeks and it's over for him. When are these folks on both sides going to start actually doing what we voted them in to do....you know, government stuff? serving the public? ensuring structure? Read the Preamble to the Constitution. Has either party done any these things? I am so tired of the working people of this country being dragged through this crap with every president. If you or I went to work and did everything but what we were paid to do we would be fired quickly..
Impeachment at this juncture would be ridiculous. Too time sensitive. It's immediate removal, or nothing.
In order to answer your question I have to understand, why you didn't understand ....what you wrote. So if you go look up the definition of the word term, you can then see the "term" for which I referred. Actually if you go back to my original response, you really should have been able to see it.
Please do not take this the wrong way cause it's not meant maliciously. I don't know if it's I device issue or a writing style /grammatical issue however either way sometimes your posts are extremely hard to follow.
https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/seeking-info/violence-at-the-united-states-capitol-4 Does anyone know these guys?
I may be biased but I will defend OND she is an elder a voice of reason while her posts may seem hard to read you can easily gather an inference when you read what she says. That being said I am old fashioned in that I listen to my elders and reflect on what they say even if I do not agree all the time.
That dislike was a grabbing devise thing that I can't undo yet. To this mostly devise, though I re-read what I wrote to his response, very few words. Actually few syllables, so he should have been able to follow it without explanation.
Even immediate removal at this point is stupid. Just let it go. This country has been through enough. Change the guard and then the other side can have their time to persecute the new president. It's the same pattern every 4 years.. I am getting bored with it all.