They won't be the only ones. Business owner, millionaire, that lives in a million dollar house in a up scale area kids took out college loans. They'll, I have no doubt, get theirs payed off. While our son worked and kept up grades for his job to help him. Our daughter went private to the tune of 34 thou. a year out of our income and her grad school was her work ,grants and loans she's paid off. WE DO NOT OWE ANY OTHER PERSON AND NON CITIZENS A EDUCATION.!!! We raised two more working tax payers
Really, you honestly believe that people that you agree with can not possibly be wrong or extremist? Hell they can't agree what restrooms should be labeled?
OMG, Take off your blinders, take breath, step back and read what you just wrote. Thanks for my morning laugh..
Yeah you can't loot and burn down private business as well because a career criminal does not comply and has a weapon gets shot by law enforcement officers.
We are all getting played. This has been going on since humans invented positions of power. Those in the game are always going to have the advantage to manipulate it and use leverage to gain power and money. That is human nature. To think one side is holier than the other is absurd. That is why we need less government and more of our own money in our pockets.
My next though is in regards to the woman killed IN the Capitol building. I do feel badly for her family. I want that to be very clear. However, since the incident, I 've learned a lot more about this girl. She was a Trump zealot, and posted as such. Yes, I'm aware of her military background, but that in no way gave her a green light to breach a Federal facility. She, being of military background, should have know better than the average person, the symbolic importance of that building. She chose to ignore that, and paid the ultimate price. Very sad.
I read this last night and wanted to sleep on it before I commented. This is the exact issue, there were states that changed the rules prior to the election without the citizens right to vote and influence the rules of their states elections.
I am an elitist a-hole I believe that as a country we need to help the lower 50% out so they can succeed it they are driven, I am however against empowering the lower 50% to run the country.
We all talked about this on here. Stick to a Damn standard. Because if you don't, this type of crap happens. Votes are in by whatever date and time and if they aren't, sorry they ain't counting. But our country is becoming a victim breeding ground of people that make excuses.
And this is the thinking that has kept his followers under his thump. WOW! If it weren't so sad, it would be funny.
Life is difficult, life is hard when met with crisis work harder. If you ever give up you failed because you gave up.
See that is the problem right there, if it does lot align with your particular prejudices it is sad. So sad because we do not share the same enlightenment that you do.
I agree lethal force should not be off the table whenever officers are in danger. Especially when the some of the nations highest elected officials are being threatened. And there were plenty of malcontents with clubs, hammers, bats, body armor and gas masks. What I don’t understand is why the event was so poorly handled. The officers left the outside perimeter that they held, and retreated to the steps and inside the Capitol. Also, there were very few officers there. The perimeter caved before the rally crowd even got to the Capitol. There is footage out there of officers removing the fencing. I don’t understand why. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Sota, all you did there was divert the subject. How do you propose stopping people from entering Federal buildings? That was the "original" post.
How would you propose stopping people from looting? I have never defended the dumbasses that entered a federal building. It is a disgrace what they did but like I said equal and opposite reaction.
It is VERY suspect what went on, or didn't, that day. Judging by the complete/obvious lack of security, I have no doubt it was intentional. I'll say it again. I believe it was intentionally left unsecure. There was waaaay too much notice that this gathering was going to take place, and that there was more than a good chance for violence. This was set up.
LOOTERS SHOULD BE SHOT How's that? Again, make all news outlets inform people of the consequences (lethal) of looting. If people are made aware that their actions could cost them their lives, maybe they will act more rationally . This "nice guy" crap isn't cutting it.