Doesn't matter what we call or identity the parties / politicians/ Donor and lobbyist class as..... they are all one in the same. Till we all come to the conclusion that we arent each others enemy were are not ridding ourselves of the duopoly that is strangling us.
Not looking to trade barbs with you ala 0317, but I have to ask two questions. 1st. Do you really believe that in 2016 Bernie was not railroaded by the Dems? 2nd. You don't have any curiosities whatsoever as to why so many polling places had so may different issues. Shuttering windows of counting rooms with cardboard so those there to oversee could not, massive influxes at odd hours for one party, shutting down counting and sending everyone home only for a few to stay, break out hidden totes and continue tabulation? There's so many more but 2 of those three were documented with video, the other was with tabulation charts. I'm not here to spar with you, but I guarantee if the Republicans had the spine to do something like this the media would be working 48-14 to bring the outrage. While I do not hold the majority of your Party's beliefs, there are times when I am envious of their power and outright audacity to see it their way. I'm not talking you the voter, I'm talking those who control your party.
All Americans should be outraged by this year's election process and the blatant fraud that took place in multiple states. Most if not all of the politicians in both House and Senate are compromised and at the very least complicit in the orchestrated events that continue to plague our country. These ridiculous domestic events are becoming common place here, and it only further allows foreign nations to take advantage of our dysfunction. People don't have to like Trump, but he's not the enemy so many people want him to be. The real enemy to our freedom and quality of life are all the career politicians selling their access for money and power. It will only continue to get worse.
First off I dont have a party. I was registered Republican until 2016 until they added items into the party platform that I couldn'tand will not support. After the primary I changed my affiliation to independent. I supported, vocally I might add trump in the Republican primary of 2016. There are those here that remember that well @Sota . I then voted for him. 1) I do believe that with out the democratic establishment pulling for Hillary that Bernie would have been nominated. At the time I was happy to be honest because I thought, rightly so that Trump would beat her. And loose to Bernie. I still believe that Bernie would have won. 2) secondly on voting. I believe in the constitution and its stated veryly clear that presidential voting is states rights issue. When both Republicans and democratic officials in the states ratify their electoral votes then it's in their hands. The citizens of each state have right to vote and influence their voting rules and regulations. Not the federal government. There were numerous challenges, recounts, court filings on many levels and quite frankly Jack **** came from any of them.. that tells me something. It also tells me something when before a ballot is even cast weeks before the election the president is saying that IF he loses then their no way the election is legitimate. That's not man i want representing my republic that doesn't respect my vote as a citizen.
Do some believe there was mass voter fraud in Georgia for the senate race? If so how did they pull it off with everyone watching? Also what would it take to show this election the senators and Biden was legit? I don’t agree with Lindsey Graham a lot, but when he stated even if we did an audit folks still would be not convinced. I agree Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That was a side step and a half. So be it, I won't pursue further, not a single question was answered To your final point, Hillary telling Biden not to concede under any circumstance was not a similar red flag? The Democrat Party is and has been the Clinton Party since the 90's. You don't think she knew something at that time?
Gram, Mike lee, Paul....all stated the same thing on the floor of the Senate...what are they leftist too?
You're unhinged ....Hillary has the power to rig the vote for Biden, but she allowed herself the lose her presidential election? You dont make any sense at all.
That's why it was one of the biggest upsets in presidential history, they learned from it Thanks for starting the attacks though, I was trying to be civil about it but see that is not your way. You keep on being you, we're done.
Noticed that yesterday. Bright at $3 again. Extruded AL $.70. Usually it is pegged to gasoline. Wonder whats going on. Must be a demand?
When every single answer or explanation always leads back to conspiracys, fraud and deception then maybe you're the problem. Millions upon millions of us voted and our votes where counted. There have been irregularities and bullshit pulled in every single election we have had from day one in this country. This wasn't a close election by any stretch of the imagination. Even Republicans senators conceded that there has been no proof offered of result changing fruad. All we can do establish as system that does the best we can to represent the actions of the citizens voting. At some point if nothing is ever good enough unless your guy wins then this a problem is with YOU not our elections.
Good Grief, have you read my posts? I accepted the election weeks ago. Biden is President and nothing would stop that, well except for his replacement being named after taking the Oath. You're too much like early-in, state you were Republican blah blah blah, but yet Trump is out of office and you're the truest of blue. We're done, 0317 and you can continue. Trust your Government, Obey!
Ahh he called out the ppl breaking into the Capitol for being wrong when it was happening. So why would it be a surprise he wants them prosecuted. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
nah, I'm tired and he's not worth my time right now, he is what he is, a lefty leaning 'independent'. I will always believe Trump was great for this country(and still is), he highlighted the RINO's/CINO's and made them show their true colors, same for showing the democrat media arm of the Fake News Media .. I know one of my Senators lied and the other a dunce, I'll not ever vote for either again, time to primary them out of existence .. my House Rep. however did good yesterday .. Praise to her .. I'll set my 2K aside when it comes, AR's are hard to find right now ....
Out of curiosity, don't need what site or anything. How long have you two been going back and forth? You have a history away from here obviously
Next up..... Trump resigns and Gives power to President Pence to pardon him Yet, they reported Pence is pissed at Trump and wants no more to do with him.