To your closing note, you find a true third party/Libertarian candidate that draws 30% of the vote and a tyally stands a chance I will happily vote for the 3rd party. Until then it is anyone but a Democrat, especially an establishment Democrat or the future Socialist Democrats. Sadly a third party is nothing but a spoiler, usually for the Republican ticket.
That’s a myth... we won’t start paying for people who we haven't already been because anybody who who wants, and is willing to accept, a government handout is already getting one. We’re just going to start paying the same people a lot more. The goal is to make it so that those getting the handouts are bringing home as much or more than the worker’s whose taxes are paying for the handouts. That way the ones receiving the handouts are dependent on and supportive of the ruling class and those of us who are paying for these handouts are so busy struggling to make ends meet that they don’t have the time or energy to rise up against their rulers.
Seriuosly ???? It's amazing the question ever came up! Just for that EVERYONE should now see how and why this election ended the way it did. Lets see now...pandemic caused major "handouts" of money the gov. Doesn't have. States shut down not ONLY businesses incomes but THEIRS as well in doing so. When they finally reopen things how did you suppose they'd be able to pay themselves...God help you if you rent and yes count on ALL prices to skyrocket. Just today I noticed a TAX on shipping charges. You may want to look at all "tiny" little charges being slipped through on EVERYTHING.
I fear for farming (regulations) with democratic ran everything so yes, it could be very significant for me.
I am with you. Unfortunately it seems like the odds of ever seeing a viable librarian candidate running for a major national office are just slightly better than the odds that you will arrow a 200" typical whitetail, a 300" non-typical whitetail, and win the lottery all in the same year.
I'm not that far out on the doom and gloom. I know you've stated you don't follow politics a lot, so if you want to see what scares me most. Go to youtube or google and type in Schumer threatens Supreme Court. You'll se the true face of the Congressional Democrats as he bellows like Santa calling out his reindeer to Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. Their rule was threatened and he warned them how they would retaliate. They want to reign over the country, they want to force their ideologies onto everyone and they do not represent their constituents, they breed and educate their constituents to grow up believing in their ideologies. After watching that, go back even further to a couple years ago when Nancy Pelosi was asked about allowing high schoolers to vote. She did not mis-speak when she answered wanting to "capture" them at a young age. They groom todays youth through education, forcing them to watch CNN as homework, taking away Cartoons and replacing with "educational" BS. Do you believe that a generation of Millenials/Gen X'ers or whatever else is dubbed out there all of a sudden came up with the same ideology as what you are seeing Bernie Sanders and the Squad push? Things like Common Core Math, participation trophies, trying to teach them they have no sexual orientation and until they are old enough to decide themselves. They have been doing this for decades for the most part "progressively", but now they have removed their masks and are openly stating their cause. Sorry, but that is not the direction I want to live the remainder of my life. Luckily I am not leaving anyone behind to have to endure that either. Trump added trillions to the deficit, that is fact. Quite a bit was not a choice with the Wuhan Virus and Pandemic. Some could have been avoided, but ultimately the Democrat ran House holds the purse of the country, also a fact. 2021 Dems are going to say "hold my beer" to that spending. Eventually we'll be so far in debt it will be sold to China, I hope I'm dead by the time that happens truthfully, but not fully counting on it. As I said, we'll all learn together what the damage will or won't be over the next 2 years. Do they go all out and risk losing more seats in 2022, or do they go more moderate and infuriate their new base and younger member of Congress? Either way, they now have the power to do all they desire, only courts can interfere if they so choose.
Every year, for the rest of your life you should expect to pay more taxes... Assuming your income continues to rise. Only way the fed gets $. So the more programs or freebies or promises will add to your bill. Politicians have gotten very clever with their funding by passing the cost to future years/generations... This compounds your tax bill. The Dems have for years been the cheerleaders for 'free cake and ice cream'... Nothing is free. And you're paying the bill...
They'll likely bail out NY/CA/IL and whatever other mismanaged states they were trying for in their Covid Relief bill. Biden said vote the Dems in for the runoffs amd everyone will get $2k, he didn 't say an additional $1400 either. I bet their first spending bill to do all of this gets close to 4 trillion. And they want infrastructure too, something Trump tried to get but didn't, or he would have had trillions more on his deficit. Fun times lay ahead
Well guns is kind of self explainatory, just look at what the ATF has been doing in the past 2 months then look at all the democrats calling for banning "assault weapons", high capacity magazines, and even just semi-automatic weapons and rifles in general... If/when they succeed at that do you really trust that they won't move on to lever/pump/bolt action rifles, shotguns, pistols, muzzle loaders, etc... Just look at all the countries (and even some US cities) where guns of any kind are effectively outlawed for regular people and even having a pocket knife or multi-tool in your pocket is considered carrying an illegal concealed weapon. And as far as money, for years they have been saying so and so tax increase/new tax is only going to really affect billionaires, multi-millionaires, and the super wealthy and that the middle class is only going to pay a tiny bit more then what they already do, but once you factor in all the loopholes that can only be used by the super wealthy with teams of accountants it ends up being that the billionaires and multi-millionaires don't pay any additional taxes whatsoever and the middle class and kind of wealthy class end up paying 100% of the bill, either directly or through taxes on businesses that cut into margins and ultimately employee pay. (And yes, despite what the media would like people to think, taxes on businesses absolutely are taxes on individual employees). Obviously burying cash doesn't matter from an income tax standpoint, but now they're talking about doing retroactive income taxes, taxing savings accounts and net-worth, and many other forms of redistributing wealth that has already been earned (and which has already been taxed at least once when it was initially earned). Sure, they're saying that it'll only be applied to the super wealthy, but thats the same exact thing they've been saying about taxes all these years so I find it pretty hard to believe that when they say it this time things are going to be any different than all the other times we've been told that. Don't get me wrong, I am all for investing money and letting it grow over time, but I just think in light of current events, its worth it for me to forgo a couple years of gains on some of money in order to hedge my bets and make sure that it doesn't get confiscated or lost in a stock market crash or banking system collapse. And FYI, I don't necessarily mean bury a bunch of actual paper cash. Some paper cash is good but a mix of foreign currencies isn't a bad idea, as well as some precious metals.
Trump’s Twitter account being indefinitely suspended is comparable to a parent taking a cell phone away from a 12 year old kid. What would they do to occupy their time without it? Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Yep and it was the rinos that actually did it, not Trump. I can not put all the blame on the Democrats. They are vultures by nature. The Rinos and blind Republican party just kept the gut pile full. Let me say the rats jumping ship are in full view. My only hope is they keep their soft under bellies exposed long enough......
I haven't had no, even when he ran for attorney general there has always been a viable alternatives to vote for.