I saw that video and thought the same exact thing. The total lack of security for such a sensitive and potentially volatile event is mind boggling.
and even MORE proof ANTIFA was involved Photos, Reports Show ANTIFA Infiltrators Stormed the Capitol Building https://gellerreport.com/2021/01/ph...filtrators-stormed-the-capitol-building.html/
Just for that to be the only security in general is odd. Especially during the work day. I mean hell the local courthouse here as that much and it's a town of 30k ppl. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Said the same thing to my wife tonight. We vote opposite, we’re ok with that. I said I hope all of those politicians realize for a second today that there are a couple hundred million pissed off Americans right now and they are all pissed about different things but it stems down to the fact that the people we elected to represent us and act on our behalf aren’t doing a damn thing to help.
Was she storming the Capital with the armed subjects or was she just skipping her way down the street while whistling?
The hell they don't! How dare you say anything about they should have been shot, would you allow someone to break into your home blah..blah..blah Look at what the left has done to a couple for trying to defend their home from rioters and just showing, not shooting their guns. God help the capital cop had it not been a white woman Trump supporter shot.
I'm sure you'll get an honest answer on that one. lol On a more positive note, it's final. The electoral count is complete.
Whoa you are of the party that protests and riots when police shoot someone, your party wants to defund the protectors. Now you want them coming in guns a blazing?
Sota, there are things that I don't agree with that Dems believe in. Much like when I stated Biden wasn't being fair enticing voters with the check promise. I always back the police, they have a job nobody wants to do. I also stood behind that armed couple that had their private community invaded. I'm not all bad.
This is how its always been. Divide and conquer. Left and right, republican/democrat, are on the same side even though different sides of the aisle. Its them against us and always has been. We are just the sheep. If they keep the sheep at each others throats we cant touch them. This thread even proves it on a small scale.
On, so new day. Let's put some of yesterday behind. Does anything change? I mean, there was a good degree of disenfranchisement with the voting transparency and process... Lots of accusations and no doubt, some fraud... I don't want to go down that rabbit hole. But it's there any change occur that would inspire more confidence in the voting process? Or will this simply lead to more rhetoric, derision, division and security/isolation of representatives and electorate?
I think your answer lies in the 2 years ahead. Democrats have already said it will be their way or no way. They will do whatever means necessary to see it that way. If they hold to their threats and carry through, elections will be about as fair as they are here in IL. Republicans squandered away the firt 2 years of Trumps Presidency, do you believe the Democrats will do the same for Biden's first 2?
I see a bit of a role reversal. Trump was unorthodox and had “his”agenda, (which i mostly agreed with) and the republicans were puppets who didnt know what the hell to do with him or how to act. Biden is a rank in file dem whos losing his marbles. The democrats have their agenda and Biden is their puppet. They will have an easy road ahead with sleepy joe. “Come on grandpa time to eat your oatmeal. Thats right, good grandpa.”
That's basically what the guys from hometown that went have been posting. They have few vidoes and pics up on fb of alot of it. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk