I agree, it is easy to view, convict, and sentence quickly. The problem is, trying to figure who is who in a crowd like that, is probably as effective as contact tracing.
I'm suee a few arrests were made, would be interestimg if names were released. I'd be willing to bet some of them have been arrested at other events the past few years. Not all protestors have been violent or even there for ill intent, but all protests had some instigators that would lay back and toss bottles or rocks and make them all look bad. Many of which were bussed in and paid foe just for that purpose.
I saw that man! He left in the middle of trumps speech to head to the capitol. He walked right by me The Capitol was being stormed before trump even finished his speech, the masses were still at the Washington monument. Word got to us the Capitol was being stormed as we all walked down Pennsylvania ave Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
It could very well have been an extreme rightwing group as well, don't know. Either way, they do not reflect my way of handling this. But to matter of factly state it was indeed Trump supporters is premature. This was differeent than what happened all across the country the past several years. There was no doubt the instigators were anti-Trumpers, you just didn't know what affiliation they were with.
One thing that I've noticed is that no matter what crowd, far left or far right, starts kicking it up and going all nutter butter rioting. Our government will never come in all guns blazing in any sotra quick like manner. So, we the people, got that going for us.
There's got to be more of him out there, he very well could have been a counter protestor. It's a start to track him down though, he seeks attention.
There is no mistaking him. He was wearing the Buffalo horns and 2 coyote tails on his head. I don’t remember the face paint though. But it’s absolutely the same guy. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Every body blames Trump ! Nobody askes why ? besides blame Trump ! Heres why, America has a history of DONOT NEGLECT US OR OUR RIGHTS Look at our past, war for independence, Civil war, Boston Tea party, Time aftyer time we ask things of our representatives, Time after time we get nothing and finally no other way to try to get what we want, NOW Some have found either some minor or possibly Major irregularities in the presidential voting this past november, Our elected officials were asked to look into this, Most said nothing their, Some citizens tried to take their findings to a court, kind of a last resort, Court says nope we won,t look at your information, NOW WHAT IN THE HELL DO YOU SUPPOSE GOOD GOD LOVING LAW FEARING AMERICANS SHOULD DO NOW ! Well you got it ! The only thing left to do
He deserves an investigation, but seeks attention. What I mean is he wants to stand out and be noticed and I guarantee if that was his garb for all events with different face paint there's more pics of him out there. One thing that draws my skepticism is his facepaint. Both pics is some sort of the red, white and blue/flag. Not really the anti-Trumpers motto over the years. Unless he is a plant for inciting things to go over the edge. Don't know, need more info.
Grouch ... I'm gonna use what you wrote, change a few things and add a few things, you are spot on .. bear with me please.. thanks Every body blames Trump ! .. Nobody askes why ? .. besides blame Trump ! ... Heres why, America has a history of DO NOT NEGLECT US OR OUR RIGHTS... Look at our past, war for independence, Civil war, Boston Tea party, The Russia hoax, Clintons emails, Benghazi, etc. ...Time after time we ask things of our representatives, time after time we get nothing and finally no other way to try to get what we want, so now some just want us to show our bellies, roll over, play nice or just go away ..... Some have found either some minor or possibly major irregularities in the presidential election, our elected officials were asked to look into this, Most said nothing, didnt want to rock the boat ...Some citizens tried to take their findings to a court, kind of a last resort, Court says nope we wont look at your information ... We the People are fed up ... do I condone violence ??... no, not now, not yet, maybe in the future it will really be needed, but I understand the frustrations of all these millions who feel they have been wronged, and they have been wronged .. payback will be a beach ..