What, after they already stormed the Capital?? Too little too late. The world knows what's taking place, and why.
I have no clue what's taking place aside from what's posted here and a few headlines/facebook posts. I'm at work earning them dollars for foreign aide.
Storming the capital/running toward cops carrying this flag. What are we doing. What is happening to this country. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You sure don't!! Smashing windows to get access to the Capital, yep that's a peaceful protest alright!
At this point, would seem to be trespassers at best... But not really following what may be getting said and spun.
So is burning a precinct still peaceful? I'm not condoning what's going on, it does not help any cause that I am vested in. I simply stated Trump did not urge this on, he had earlier tweets as well stating similar. I'm sure there are agitators and instigators mixed in this crowd just like there were in every "peaceful protest" over the last 4 years. Can you not talk about that because CNN isn't, Polly? I condemn what is transpiring right now as vehemently as I did all the Antifa/BLM protests that turned violent. None of it helps, it only hurts the cause.
It's funny, Trump had no problem "parting the seas" of protesters when he wanted to get to the church for that photo op. Where is our leader when it really counts????
Do you HONESTLY believe that?? He's been egging this moment on for quite a while. It's not a secret...
Kinda like Obama after Treyvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Grey? I don't justify anything that is happening right now, but to say your boy Obama didn't incite and encourage actual rioting and looting is laughable. Local page is reporting a female was shot at the capitol, was supposed to be going livestream with someone from here that is there. But, this is the type of society breakdown that I fear is going to take place over the next 4 years. Too many "peaceful protests" have been allowed over the past 8 years, it has become normal and now the clashing will begin between the two.
When did he say to storm the capitol? As I said before, your hatred for Trump has blinded you. I take nothing you say at face value in this thread, you're slowly becoming a political troll who's only postings are to stir the pot and try to incite. Have you not watched what has happened in Portland, Ferguson and other places over the years? A lot of it happened before Trump ever announced his campaign.
Typical "hey, look over there" mentality. Why not focus on what's actually happening. The Capital is being stormed and Trump is doing nothing to stop it.
So the conservatives protest, things get out of hand and now main stream media is crying anarchy? Where was the condemnation when cities were burning, businesses were being looted and police officers were being killed in the liberal’s“mostly peaceful protests”??? I can’t and don’t condone what they are doing in the Capitol Building, but at least they are directing their anger directly at the people who actually deserve it.
So about Quid Pro Joe, since you brought up the "hey, look over there" thing. Wow, you have this down pat. You should really be doing some seminars for liberal youths