If you don't think that Roberts and perhaps at least one other didn't make a deal with Dems before the election I have a Bridge in NY to sell you.I'm thinking maybe the Republicans in DC need their guns taken away, because for years they have been shooting off their own feet. Good old Mitch needs a size 12 firmly swung up his back side.
The moral decay began years ago but I think social media platforms excellerated the process, Facebook for sure.
Technology was an enabler, but ask the prior generation and they would tell you it's been a continuing slide... Media speed to market in the gulf war abandoned the '2 verified sources'...also enabled clear bias. Some would point to Roe v Wade, others the 60s (free love / drugs), others Engel v Vitale... Ymmv
I fear they aint seen nothing yet ... WE, the PEOPLE are fed up and it will only get worse in the next 4 years.. wait till Biden and his socialists/Marxist numbnut minions try to dismantle the Constitution .and push their authoritarian politics on us (lockdowns, masks, taxes, gun control, attacks on free speech, etc.).. the only wall we had left was the Senate, and it looks like that will soon fall (not to mention what will happen to the one on our Southern Border) ... these lousy dems will see a push back like never before I believe and if a RINO/#neverTrumper gets in the way, they too will be squashed like the roach they are, and losers like Early In are so proud of Biden 'cause they didnt like Trumps tweets .... but hey, many will get their $2K.. unless the dems/Biden renege on that also .. what is happening in DC today is only the beginning and I say bring it on .. Long live America and let Freedom ring ...
Does it become a peaceful protest once a fire starts, or are damages to health and property prerequisites?
Social media is definitely a major player and has exacerbated the situation, wish I had never got on Facebook but it's too late now they've already built my profile. Don't use any of the others. They are all so instantaneous hysteria breaks out before any information or fact is ever released.
How did I know, Chicken Little. I read your post and thought CNN must have a headline with Coup on it. You are too damned predictable, my goodness. Maybe start calling you Parrot from now on
so, its ok for your buddies in Antifa/BLM to 'protest' and its wrong for Patriots not to ... your one sick person as was anyone who voted for Biden and knowing what he and his commies will do to this country ...
No, actually my own eyes tell me what I'm seeing, and I'm seeing the same thing no matter the news station I watch. Get with reality.
Wonder if any of those storming the capital in protest believed that taking a knee during the national anthem isn't