So Joe comes out and says vote democrat in Georgia and a $2000 check is on the way from the gov't. How is that not considered bribery?
A promise of money for a vote cast that favors them, you honestly see no problem with that especially during a pandemic?
Shouldn't a moderator be maintaining a neutral position? Kind of like the separation of church and state?
Spin would be stating one is okay one is not, saying they are both wrongs is just how it is. The issue is not the what either of them did IMO, it's how the tribes react to what they did. "My side is always right, your's is wrong" Is it wrong to use political influence for personnel gain? If you state yes they are both wrong Is it wrong to ask an SOS to "find" votes? Yes Is it wrong to promise $2000.00 for a vote for a party? Yes Until we hold them accountable regardless of a party we will have Ted Cruz, Peolsio, Schumer, Mitch, and whoever is in the office of President, the status quo will remain.