I make it a point to stay out of this thread but personally I’d really like to see you or any other member who leans left answer the question he posed.
What does it matter which way one leans, wrong is wrong. I did not believe Trumps deal was that bad, it’s how he does business and no doubt Biden used his influence to help his son. The folks on the right will stay in line bash Biden and say diddle about trump. Folks on the left will stay in line and will bash Trump and support Biden. And a round and round we go weeeeeeeeeee Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Can't do it, you did not phrase your question correctly. You asked for a direct answer to Biden and his Quid Pro Quo. You'll ne to reask it in such a manner that it can be answered by starting with one of the following intros... Because Trump.... But Trump..... Well Trump.... Trump.... There is no way to deflect and divert when you clearly ask for a direct answer and limit the response criteria to one person/subject.
You know, I bet us guys could change feminists minds real quick on unisex bathrooms if we went in and bombed the ladies room out. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I have digestive issues I can recycle corn faster than an ethanol plant I bet if I went to taco bell I could convert a dozen or so. Chipotle it would be like a super spreader.
Okay. I try to stay out of this for a good reason, but I stepped in it so here are my thoughts and I'll leave it at that unless someone has direct questions. Feel free to take my thoughts and opinions with a a grain of salt or just ignore them. I don't care. I wholeheartedly agree, but @fletch920 asked a valid question that a Biden supporter simply can't answer honestly without incriminating Joe Biden, hence the "crickets". As you said, Biden used his influence as Vice President of the United States via ADMITTED quid-pro-quo to help his son avoid prosecution. There's a serious problem with that, but it seems to have been totally ignored while the left impeached President Trump (alledged quid-pro-quo) for trying to have the Biden's investigated, which absolutely should have happened. If the Biden's were Republican they'd have been crucified. To be honest, Biden does a pretty darned good job of bashing himself. President Trump definitely isn't perfect. He's a flawed human being, but in my opinion he's a hell of a lot better than any career politician and he has done more to help this country than any President since Reagan. Anything he has done that the left disapproves of pales in comparison to what other career politicians who became President have done. Interesting choice of words. Folks on the left bash President Trump and support Biden BUT they never say anything good about Biden. They just support Biden because "Orange Man Bad". Just once.... JUST ONCE I would love to hear a Biden supporter say something positive about Joe Biden or a potential Joe Biden Presidency. Maybe just rattle off an example or two of something positive he has accomplished in his 40-something years in politics. They never do because they can't. All they can do is bash President Trump. They only support Biden because they hate President Trump. Sorry, but anyone with more than two functioning brain cells knows that Joe Biden is unfit for the office of President of the United States. It's my honest opinion that anyone who voted for someone who obviously has early to mid-stage dementia to assume the office of President simply because they hate "the other guy" doesn't give a damn about the security, well-being or the future of the United States of America. God bless the United States of America, and he'd better do it quickly because if he doesn't we are SCREWED.
Well said Little Chief. I'm afraid though that those who lean left, for the most part, will ignore your valid points and just keep on with their brainwashed rhetoric. TDS at its worst. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk