Yes yes I did actually listen to it 4 different times. The conclusion is that putting into context what has been DOCUMENTED since the election a rational mind can reason his true intent. Not the narrative of his opponents. This is no different than the Ukrain call that led to the phony impeachment. Ya know I so very happy he NEVER privately said something like this " Oh my God that meeting went so long , I had excuse myself to fart in the toilet " They'd having him excusing himself to F Smollet, it's discusting and ridiculous besides being a 4 yr redundant ploy.
I wasn't expecting anything different from you. lol FWIW, if you're not saying anything wrong during a given phone conversation, you shouldn't have to worry who's listening...
Perhaps its not news to you, it was to me, as I just learned, Joe Biden is from Scranton, PA. Its official, he is the Michael Scott of presidents. Scratch that, I would rather Michael Scott be president.
Now now as I've aged and especially looking at my Catholic would logically have to lean to God, from the bible, being a woman. Seriously some vengeful acts were had in those writings, right to Eve being created and her roll in Edens down fall. Ya that would be a woman on woman thing. Don't listen to me! others..pillars of salt so there.... Defy me! ....let me rain on your parade....deny me!'s Nancy Pelosi,Schumar,Cuomo and for good measure, the squad to prolong your suffering. Yep I have to
What about being on camera with a hot mic and brag about getting someone fired by withholding foreign aide??? You know, a good old fashioned quid pro quo! Still here and still waiting on your spin on that one. Why do you not have an answer for that one ???
As a native of the area. I can say Nothing good comes from Scranton, well almost nothing. Abe’s hotdogs are pretty good. But other than that its a depressing place. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Obviously, that was my point. There is no sensible answer. You have proven the hypocrisy of the liberal mind. Win at all costs for what you believe to be the greater good and ignore facts that undermine the agenda.
Wish people would stick with this when analyzing law bills and judicial decisions. Makes life easy...or at least easier.
here, I'll re-post this for those hiding in their cry closet .. READ THE LAST 3 WORDS in bold CLOSELY !! Trump Ga. Transcript Shows Case for Vote Fraud, President Acted Properly !! The Washington Post on Sunday released audio of a Saturday phone call between President Donald Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in which the two can be heard discussing election results. The Post initially released snippets of the hour-long call in which Trump can be heard discussing election results with Raffensperger and his lawyer Ryan Germany. Also joining the call was White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and Trump campaign lawyer Cleta Mitchell. Trump lays out numerous examples of double voting, dead people voting, and other ballot irregularities and anomalies. Raffensperger and Germany counter Trump's assertions largely with simple claims that the matters Trump raised have been investigated. Trump insists he won Georgia's presidential election on Nov. 3 and claims widespread fraud deprived him of that victory. The Washington Post claimed that in his talk with Raffensperger, Trump "repeatedly urged him to alter the outcome of the presidential vote in the state." This claim is false. THE CLAIM BY WAPO IS FALSE !! The transcript of the call shows Trump demanding an honest accounting of the ballots, which he says would give him more than 11,000 votes. Several key excerpts of the conversation follow. ..... more of the ACTUAL conversation at link ..
Give it up he has a permanent set of blinders attached to his skull. He has lost any ability to perform independent thought and goes by only what CNN, MSNBC, CBS and any left wing internet media tell him to think.
If you were to actually ask him to explain his greater good he wouldn't be able to derive an answer out of his lefty sources.
You're right, I'm going to convert and become a Newsmax sack rider. That way I'll always get the facts. Catch you good folks later, I'm going to watch the Sixers kick some butt.
He did not exist in 1969 and everyone knows we faked the moon landing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk