Hey Early In, you still doing research on quid pro quo? No time limit, but normally you have some timely answers.
Early In you will be very happy to hear that I am the reason the neighbor 2 doors down took down his Trump flag. He replaced it with a Bears flag, I told him yeah they will lose too.
Germ, just like Early In ... YOU ARE WRONG ... again .. Transcript here ... read the following BOLD type ... slowly, esp the last 3 words !! Trump Ga. Transcript Shows Case for Vote Fraud, President Acted Properly https://www.newsmax.com/politics/trump-georgia-raffensperger/2021/01/03/id/1004057/
also, that Manchurian Candidate, you know, the one who has infiltrated the GA. Sec. State position .. yea, that RINO, the one who hates Trump as much as Early In and Germ.... yea, he's on the China payroll NATIONAL FILE has obtained video of Raffensperger speaking at an event with Mandarin-speaking Chinese people, begging the Chinese people to get him more than 100 votes to secure his victory in the election (which he ended up winning by 159 votes). A Mandarin-language newspaper even explained the strategy to place Raffensperger into office by use of “absentee ballots” that could be illegally obtained by one Chinese person and distributed to others. Raffensperger is trying to stop Communist China’s geopolitical foe President Donald Trump from gaining a proper accounting of the votes in the 2020 presidential election. ... more at link .. ... OOOOOPSIE !! https://nationalfile.com/caught-on-tape-brad-raffensperger-begged-for-illegal-chinese-votes/ wait ... THERE'S MORE !! ... Report: White House Planning to Refer Brad Raffensperger to Secret Service for Investigation Under the Espionage Act https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/20...r-secret-service-investigation-espionage-act/
I was really anxious to learn how a liberal quid pro quo differs so much from a conservative quid pro quo. Looks like we lost a contributor here instead. Weird.
Pelosi in yet again and first thing she does is claim a ban on words?! No more: Mother Father Aunt Uncle Brother Sister Nothing better to do huh Nancy??? Here's an idea you might really want to consider before 2022. Ban the words: Dumb B--ch F---k You Sorry guys, that's as clean as I could possible make that,my house is still in a blue fog from when I first heard her declaration.
He commits election fraud as he's complaining about it. You can't make this stuff up! At least he's consistent. No worries, in a few months he'll be sleeping in the bed that he made for himself. His torment has only just begun, no more shield for gray man. The NY DA will be saying, bend over, I'm driving.
Early I'll just ask you to explain what fraud he committed, before telling you to please develope independent thought from CNN.
Pressuring state officials to commit illegal acts (find votes) regarding elections (election fraud). Actually, I came to that conclusion myself. Did you listen to the recording? If you did, and you're honest, you'll come to the same conclusion.
I watched Biden joke about committing quid pro quo in Ukraine. That was a good time. But, I guess I came to a different conclusion that you? Still waiting to have you clear this all up for me. But, you wont apparently. Facts suck. Also, how did so many ballots in Georgia come in from vacant addresses? That is odd, don't you think??? Ignoring me wont make me go away. Many have tried. Just ask my wife.
Well, if Donnie is getting good intel, it could be more. Then you add in the folks that were not allowed to vote because they were told they had already voted and the folks that apparently mailed in a ballot AND went to the poll.......could be a lot more. There is no doubt in my mind that our election process was messed with to some extent. Anyone with more than a room temperature IQ can see that there are some strange anomalies in this and past elections. There were a lot of people that REALLY wanted Don out. This crap has been going on since the thugs in Chicago invented election fraud. lol
"Also, how did so many ballots in Georgia come in from vacant addresses? That is odd, don't you think???" This has already been debunked by Ryan Germany, a lawyer for the secretary of state office for Georgia.
So, you believe some lawyers and not others? Ryan Germany told me that we never landed on the moon. Prove me wrong.