So 40 yrs a Dem. , voting for lesser of evils in the primaries. Watching Republicans shooting themselves in the foot year after year. Then voting or not in General election for lesser evil between both parties. Trump gave me hope as Dems evil was just too strong to find a lesser of two evils to stay in party. I switch to Republicans. WTH dumb azz Republicans back sliding yet again, couldn't hold it together for even 4 lousy years. Americans about to blow up their world then wonder " What happened? " I only feel bad for my kids and grand kids. The rest.. We're about to get what we deserve.
The crickets are a result of me not living on the internet like some... lol Note to self. Conversing about politics is like pissing in the wind. Lesson learned. Don't spend your $600 all in one place.
^^^Translation^^^ "You have a bullet proof point that I have no answer for, so I'll act indignant and above you". And **ck that government handout.
Do you constantly think of me? Get a life sota, you stalk me, mention me, you seem to be obsessed, it’s unhealthy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Stop stalking is virtuous enough for me at this point, it's a bit desperate on your part. Have a great new year.
Please just answer my question so I can understand how Biden is a viable candidate for the job. Seriously, I want to hear why.
Fletch, you know he won't answer the question. He WILL come back with the same old TDS rhetoric. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
Should start a new thread. What will you do if you are fortunate enough to get the stimulus. I’m thinking about a new pellet rifle or the Winchester XPR 6.5 thumb hole version. Sounds like a good investment.
Seriously they actually found a " smart THERMOSTAT" That had been installed in a counting room that was directly sending info to China. Yet they are STILL saying nothing to see here...Georgia...Do any of you really think the run off won't be as rigged as the general?....
Me either, but rather than brag about our high incomes, lets get back to figuring out how Biden is a viable candidate for our highest office. He went on record as leveraging aid to Ukraine in exchange for the removal of their top prosecutor. (Textbook definition of quid pro quo) Hunter has literally made millions from China and Ukraine and has said he was tired of carrying the water for his family in reference to his father taking a share of the spoils. So, again, please tell me how much better of a candidate he is for our country? I just need to understand how he qualifies and Trump should be impeached? I have to be missing something big and I feel so dumb for not knowing. Please, help me to clear this up.