And yet, the liberals elected a man that not only committed a 'quid pro quo', but bragged about it on camera after the fact. Please explain.......
Evidently not, since they didn't convict him of either the abuse of power or obstruction of congress charges. man bad! So it's okay to elect someone that has committed the same 'quid pro quo', will cater to China (as long as they offer up young girls to sniff), supports rioting and looting as "peaceful" protest, supports defunding the police, will tax big business so much that they take jobs overseas, will attack the 2A ("You bet I'm coming for your AR's"), attack the oil industry driving fuel prices through the roof, create more socialist programs so his subjects will be dependent on big government, and overall lead us to the utopia that only socialism can provide (there are so many examples in human history of our being able to live in a utopia!). As long as there are government handouts here and there so we can spend more time at home playing video games, it's all good. The above is way better than someone that is arrogant and a terrible public speaker but has shown through his actions that he loves this country and the Constitution it is built upon! 'Cmon, man!
Exactly what Biden did and admitted on camera. So, please defend him as a valid candidate for President if our current President was voted to be impeached for the same. Please make me understand how Biden is a fit candidate for the job. I am anxious to understand the difference. Thanks in advance for your reply.
some on here may have to retire to their cry closet after learning this ... President Trump tops the list of the most admired man for 2020, according to a Gallup poll released Tuesday. The annual survey asked respondents which man and woman living anywhere in the world they admired most this year — and 18 percent said Trump and 10 percent named former first lady Michelle Obama, with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris coming in second with 6 percent. Trump’s first-place finish unseated former President Barack Obama from atop the list — a place he held for the past 12 years.
Trump was/IS one the best POTUS ever for helping America and its people, Obama is at or near the bottom for sure ..
I'm actually starting to believe your TDS is much more serious and get quite concerned for your wellness at times. No offense intended, but holy **** do you come off with some of the more outlandish liberal statements on here, and you're the newest to the ranks, a mere 4-5 year member after being a devout lifelong Republican. I urge you to step away from politics for a bit and get yourself well. Trump's impeachment was rendered moot when Maxine Waters started the chant "impeach 45" a couple years before official impeachment proceedings ever began. Your next statement is null and void as well, I won't even use the blatantly obvious "suspicious ballot tallies" as my reasoning. I'll use the simple fact he will likely be campaigning for the entire 4 years Biden/Harris is in office, Trump may very well become your 47th president. Imagine the hysteria if the montage of past presidents has Trump on their twice Lastly, Trump has hit Russia with more sanctions and hurt them more with US oil independence than any previous administration has. I asked you previously what you wanted him to do and you side stepped the question. I truly think you want Trump to bomb Russia so you can matter of factly state you were correct when you stated Trump would get us into a war. From North Korea to Iran, Afghanistan to Syria and all the little terror Mecca's of the world, you people have stated over and over Trump will drag us into WW III. Yet just the opposite has happened, he has officially made Jerusalem as Israel's Capital, after decades of other administrations vowing to do so, no war. He bombed Syria after they gassed innocent lives, no war. He set foot onto North Korean soil as the first President to do so, all the while placing the strictest of sanctions on them, no war. In fact, he has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize several times for his historic peace agreements throughout the Mid East. Seriously, take off your Rose colored Democrat glasses and just think about what Trump could have achieved if he was treated like a duly elected President. The media and those with perceived "influence" in the elites of the world knew Trump was a loud mouth who would punch back and they took advantage of it for 4 1/2 years. That's the Democrat way and you are fitting nicely into it, truthfully, I wish the Republican's would garner half of that tactic, but they won't. They'll confirm every one of Biden's cabinet picks with open arms, because they are politicians that represent their own interests whereas Democrats at least stick together for their party's interests while still benefitting themselves. Neither party represents their constituents, at least Trump delivered what Congress would allow him to on his campaign promises. Enjoy your new party my friend, you're going to fit in well over there.