I didn’t think he had the balls to send it back to Congress Sent from my iPhone using Forums
It has been the liberals wet dream to see Trump's presidency to end since 2016. The way the liberal has acted and lied and misreported has been sickening.
When I stopped in town to get the christmas roast there was a liberal sighting, it was one with the knitted mask driving a prius, was upset that there was no tofu available.
I cannot wait to hear what kind of technical difficulties GA is going to see the night of and days following the runoff elections. Anyone want to wager on the percentage of those districts being held by the Democrat party? Ol' Crescent Wrench is back at his goading, the man that stated he would vote for Trump over Biden is nothing more than another political servant to his party and backs Biden fully. He still believes the Third Party is the Hypocrites, and he stands firmly with them. If it were not for the money he sank into his children's education/athletics, he probably wouldn't even be fighting Whitmore on the lockdowns/restrictions. He only commended Trump when the Markets rallied, past that he was nothing more than a tool being a fool.
You still don’t understand population density do you. Land can’t vote and the more these people move out of California the more blue Texas will be come, be careful what you wish for. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump threatens to VETO the pork filled Stimulus bill !! ... you just know Biden would have let this crap filled bill go thru President Trump took to the airwaves to describe what was pumped into the so-called “COVID-19 Relief Bill” that Congress sent him last night. In it, he detailed multiple examples of legislative pork that Congress tried to ram down everyone’s throat. He concluded by saying he will not sign the bill unless it is tremendously amended. “The $900 billion package provides hard-working taxpayers with only $600 each in relief payments. and not enough money is given to small businesses, and in particular restaurants whose owners have suffered so grievously,” he said.
Note the bolded. In Democrat speak that says homelessness and illegal residents. Lets remove illegals from these "population densities" and see what the population count is then. Lets get American citizens back into a dwelling for their own well being and lets get illegals back to where they are legal. That's right, your liberal elite leftists do not want an accurate count of American citizens, they want a full count of bodies within their districts whether they are legal or not. I can't break into Bloombergs house/mansion and declare residency, why is it so different for a migrant to do such with a town/city/state? Bunch of effing hypocrites are you liberals.
Population density has nothing to do with left or right, anyone with half a brain understands this concept. The forefathers understood this 200+ years ago it’s why we have the elector college. It’s why I support the college. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I thought you were just kidding, you really don’t understand population density. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It kind of reminds me of a slice of bread. Somebody needs to cut the crust off and throw it away. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I wonder what that map would look like with an accurate vote tally. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk