does anyone here with common sense and some brains (Leaves out Early In) believe Biden will be tough on China or Russia ... hell no he wont, this country is so F'd with Biden and Commie-la in office ... anyone who thinks otherwise about Biden is brain dead
What he said was it “certainly appears to be” the work of Russia... And again, I will point you to the article I previously posted. Let me simplify it for you... Ever receive a spoofed phone call what appears to be a local number? If there were hard evidence it were Russia, N Korea, China, Cuba...wouldn't Barr also have an obligation to act as the AG?
Actually, the article was simple enough on it's own, I got the gist of it. I don't get your last question?
Early In is a typical liberal Marxist who cant handle decent clinical common sense arguments, so he does what a Marxist does, he wants to CENSOR free speech ... I'm fine with him blabbing away, he just keeps digging his grave deeper and proving the liberal Marxist that he is ... Fact, DEMOCRAT Marxists/Socialists are a threat to AMERICA and he is fine voting those types into office .... Trump is 100% Pro America, that is not what Biden/Commie-la and their minions are and that is also FACT ... the Biden policies will damage America even more so than what Obama did ... Prove me wrong .... All one had to do was actually READ the Biden/Socialsit/Marxist manifesto about the policies they want to pass and enforce ... EARLY IN, are YOU ok with the destruction of the Constitution/2A and Free Speech ?? ... of course you are, you voted for those that will destroy them ... you have showed your want to censor free speech already ... way to go Comrade Early In .... smh The Biden-Sanders Manifesto Voters should examine how far left the former vice president has moved since winning the primaries.
I'm wondering if the people in your particular work environment, who have IQ's lower than their body temp, have had an effect on your ability to think with clarity?
^^ thanks for proving what I wrote ... game, set, match ..Checkmate !! .... you have effectively lost any argument you dare try going forward with .... smh
With all do respect this is an online forum thread called political venting... If you don't like what you read you can chose another area or forum that isn't as hurtful to your beliefs. If you choose to stay here, its pretty obvious that your beliefs are with the minority of the group and that's ok. It's quite obvious that you know that and you are using that to stir the pot. I don't see any klan meetings or antifa rally's being called here so maybe "political venting" isn't the right thread for you?
So not for nothing but I see a lot of people claiming they, Biden and Harris are coming to get our guns. So far I see nothing but opinion articles being posted to back up these claims. Of course, I've heard the same rhetoric of gun grabbers since Carter was in office. Yet the only thing I can remember in my lifetime was a ban on high capacity magazines. Did they ever ban bump stocks? Honestly asking, I've never had need of a bump stock so I didn't really pay that much attention. The only reason I ask is bc the logistics of banning a gun let alone all seem to be just statistically impossible. Who in the world would take the job of collection? I find it completely laughable every time I hear it. So I'm just wondering, how exactly some that believe this wholeheartedly believe they are going to do it. I guess buybacks, tax credits or is it just going to be an all out they're illegal turn them in or face the consequences?
I don't at all have a problem with what I read on the Political Venting thread, I was referring to his signature, which promotes political hate. That has nothing at all to do with what's said on this thread. That signature is seen wherever he goes on this site, regardless of the subject.
Well, if the President elect and his people say they intend to do something, I personally believe them. Maybe that is my youthful inexperience talking. I haven’t lived through too many administrations yet. But Joe Biden has started calling gun violence a “national health crisis.” So what does that mean? Can the govt step in just as they have with covid? He made a speech last week to commemorate the Sandy hook shooting. Here is a tweet from the man Biden will nominate for US surgeon general. There are others within Biden’s group calling for gun violence to be labeled a national health crisis. I think they are atleast going to try Sent from my iPhone using Forums
There is a gun violence crisis going on in our country, no doubt. But, you will never see guns taken from the (legal) general public. Certain policies maybe, but they will never take them.
I sure hope not! I think there will be a big push to get rid of “high capacity magazines,” and to register all “assault rifles” because again, that’s what Biden has already proposed. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Well, I didn't believe the government could take away my health insurance plan either. But, they did and I had to take a different plan that cost me 100% more with a higher deductible. Try taking a handgun to Canada. Try hunting with a gun in many parts of Europe. You get enough liberal whackadoodles in the wrong positions, and they will do stupid things beyond the current definition of stupid. They know no boundaries when it comes to knowing what is best for the rest of us.
MANDATORY BUYBACK !! ... MANDATORY !! SECOND AMENDMENT Published November 18 Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons Jen O’Malley Dillon previously served as Biden’s campaign manager – but before that, she’d worked for Beto O’Rourke . A top member of Biden’s campaign staff announced that executive orders on gun control will be at the top of the list of things Biden would address in the first days after taking office. Gun owners haven’t forgotten that Joe Biden picked radical Beto O’Rourke as his ‘gun control czar’ to run his administration’s gun control plays. Some of the gun control Biden and Harris have promised to pass includes $34 billion dollars in new taxes on guns and magazines that law-abiding Americans already own. Additionally, Biden and Harris have promised to ban the online sale of ammunition, guns, and gun parts — all while encouraging Corona shutdowns across the country. This would leave gun owners essentially unable to buy more guns and ammo for as long as the Corona Scare lasts. Biden has also promised to limit Americans to a ‘one-gun-a-month’ purchase maximum. The Biden campaign website says, “Biden supports legislation restricting the number of firearms an individual may purchase per month to one.” Rough Days Ahead For Gun Owners Nobody can predict the future, but gun owners nationwide are preparing for the worst: Joe Biden to take office and use the power of executive actions to pass all of the nasty gun control he’s promised the radical left! After all, they had to get something in exchange for nominating a confused old geriatric!