I agree, it was straight forward. I try to see what various sources say on the same subject, because quite frankly, you sometimes don't know who to believe anymore. There's always an agenda.
Seems about right... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/20...urant-owners-ban-andrew-cuomo-establishments/
"How to Steal an election" .... this is how it went down .. https://twitter.com/ProfessorUnum/status/1340181957465034752
I have read articles from about 5 or 6 different sources regarding the computer hack, that some compare to a cyber equivalent of Pearl Harbor! Of these sources, which even includes NewsMax, they all say Russia was the culprit. I have one simple question for all of the Trump fans. Why does Trump continually defend the Russians, despite what his very own team says? Please, just answer that simple, basic question without going off on a tangent.
earlyin my 2 cents--- President Trump has the greatest proffessionals informing him of everything going on here and across the globe, Do you really believe he does not know more than you ????????????????????????????? very little info is actually released to the public, When you get these briefings then I will pay attention to you !
Agreed. But, per my question, that you didn't answer, why doesn't he listen to the "greatest professionals" when they tell him it was the Russians?
no one is sure ... yet... it was either China or the Rushkies ... even though Pompeo has mentioned Russia, Trump mentioning that is 'could' have been China is more truth and then a shade towards the close ties of China and the Bidens ... .. Trump has done as much or more in calling out Russia as he has China ... Biden(s) is in bed with China and that is a FACT ... btw, these 'spy' games and hacking games have been going on for years, going back to the Cold war era ... this is really nothing new .. Navarro Warns China 'Out To Get' America With Spy Operations China hawk Peter Navarro says the communist nation is “out to get us” with spy operations like the one that reportedly ensnared California Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell. In an interview Wednesday on Sinclair Broadcasting’s “America This Week,” Navarro, the White House's Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, said he’s concerned about Beijing's influence on politicians. (like Biden, who is already in bed with them) “It’s a standard playbook. A honey pot to lure in Americans, compromise them,” Navarro said of Swalwell’s involvement with suspected China spy Christine Fang, who helped fundraise for his 2014 reelection campaign.
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/richard-grenell-democrats-hoodwinked-public-russia-china 'hoodwink' is a tame term, esp. when one is as much of a lefty as Early In is, and is as gullible to the hate the left speads .... Grenell: Democrats have 'hoodwinked' public into thinking Russia is more important issue than China .... Both the United States and the international community have failed to recognize China as a "clear and present danger," former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell told "Life, Liberty & Levin" in an interview airing Sunday. "I think that we're at an incredible crossroads, and in many ways we've missed it, and we've allowed China to go into the WTO [World Trade Organization]," Grenell told host Mark Levin. "We decided to do that because we thought we'd try engagement, and I believe that engagement can work," Grenell added, "but I think that you also have to benchmark it very quickly, maybe two or three years, to see if it does work. "We're now 20-plus years with China into the WTO. They've completely manipulated the process," Grenell went on. "We also have allowed China to play us at the United Nations where they get a veto in the permanent membership of the Security Council ... They're getting money from the United Nations, from the rest of us, because they can't always feed their people, but yet they are a superpower in the making."
hmmm, internet Troll ..... sounds familiar ... smh https://www.foxnews.com/world/china-used-internet-troll-army-to-shape-coronavirus-narrative-report
More like a neighborhood where everybody keeps their key under the doormat... And a burglar learns of it. Poor practices, weak safeguards, lax monitoring and security administrators should be losing their jobs.