So all you Anti-Trumpers on here understand the need to investigate Hunter Biden and possibly his dad Joe Biden right? Might take 4 years, but definitely needs to be investigated thoroughly.
It seems Trump is doing exactly what he said Biden was doing, hiding out. Now that we are at around 2000-3000 deaths per day from the virus, the worst the virus has been since it started, we hear absolutely nothing from our fearless leader. Nothing! Also, while we are experiencing the worst computer hack (Government Departments) that is believed to have been done by Russia, again Trump has NOTHING to say to them. In four years this clown has never, not one time, had anything negative to say about Russia. What's that tell you? Even the people of Palm Beach don't want him. He can't legally live there, so maybe Putin will let him live in exile there?
That’s not true though. No disrespect to you sir, but you are misinformed. Trump has taken many actions against Russia, Here is a study listing every policy action the Trump administration has made from 2017-19. There are 52 in total. You will find he has Supplied Ukrainian rebels with weapons, including Javelin anti-tank missiles(Obama sent them blankets and good luck notes) He has enacted 20 sanctions against them. For things such as cyber attacks in the past, you can look at each sanction in particular if you like. Under his administration, we have smoked several Russian spec ops. But that’s been a little more hushed up. All of those things don’t spell Russian puppet to me. I’ll tell you what he hasn’t done. He hasn’t helped Russia build its own Silicon Valley, Hillary Clinton did under the Obama administration (which is most likely what they used to hack us in the first place) He hasn’t sold 20% of our Uranium to them(again, Hillary Clinton) There has been no “Russian Reset” or “lines in the sand”
It’s amazing how anti trumpers bemoan the president and his tweeting. But now that he hasn’t said anything he is “doing nothing.” I will say, him not responding is usually a sign something is about to happen. I’m thinking of how things were dead quiet right before the Soleimani strike. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Read the article I included. No, we aren't likely seeing 3000 deaths per day from Covid. We are seeing 3000 deaths per day that have may have covid. Apparently you haven't held a clearance, worked in our with intelligence agencies. And thats all I can say about that...
Sounds like you need to read my post again. Everything in it is accurate. I never said he hasn't imposed sanctions. I said he's not addressing these issues (hacking/virus) publicly, he's hiding for whatever reason. The public likes/needs to know from the Leader about serious events that involve everybody. And my comment about him never saying anything negative about Russia stands, because it's accurate.
Oh, so you do prefer words to action. Got it. Maybe the President will get on the TV and wag his finger at Putin. That will teach him. I’d bet every dollar I have the President is meeting with his advisers in the pentagon and preparing their response. And it will probably be more than just words.
Man it sure was fun running around my neighborhood in the 80s. Generally had a BB gun on me and some kind of long bladed weapon. A cop was never called. BB gun shootouts. Sword fights...yes real swords. Out in the elements all day without parents. Fights. Animal deaths. Broken bones. The good old days.
From a friend in the NE... Kinda feels like this meme or the old Spy vs Spy comic is a fit for our partisan politics...
you were complaining about Trumps tweets and killing Solamani and now you like 'words and action' ... you are so full of it ... smh ..
and as for those so called 'covid' deaths, just because someone dies WITH the virus, dosnt mean they died FROM the virus ... smh .. while this may be a low number in the article, but those with common sense (leaves early in out) will understand ... this same scenario goes on thru the country ... dying WITH dosnt mean dying FROM ...