Do you really care, they're now in the same boat they cheered us all into. Just keep these posts handy when you hear the b----ing start next year. Though they will try blaming Trump for all they see the swamp doing all over again. It's what their masters will be over feeding them. They will then regurgitate what they are told.
Fair enough Germ. I imagine for you it would have to be demonstrated in a court of law. Meaning that the attorney that did the forensic audit on the Dominion voting machines and found the "glitches" isn't good enough for you. See post 8925.
I know you like data....
The thing is, I don’t know who to point the finger at. Whether it’s Russia, China, people within our own country who despise it, or a combination of the three. But it is clear to me that a strategy to crumple America from within, using social changes has been in place. And had been executed. There are no basic truths anymore. Right and wrong are nearly completely indistinguishable from one another It dawned on me that I may very well be among the last generation of youth in the United States that was taught the traditional biological differences between males and females. Kids today are being taught that they can just switch if they wish to. And that gender is a social construct. They won’t know any better. Now any evil power can take advantage of the weakness within our country. It doesn’t have to be left, or right, Marxist or facist. Although it is clearly Marxist ideology in origin. When we have allowed such division to infect every facet of our society we are like a person with AIDS. We are weak to any attack on the system. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I had already read this report, will see where it takes when it's disclosed How they tested the machines What procedure did they use. I think this will be in court soon if I am not mistaken.
while Germ/Early In wont see this as they are locked up in their cry closet's, but this is an interesting tidbit and plays right into the Dominion fraud that ACTUALLY happened, and it happened across the nation in key areas... BREAKING: FBI, Texas Rangers and US Marshals Raid SolarWinds HQ in Austin Last night the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued a rare Emergency Directive 21-01, in response to a KNOWN COMPROMISE involving SolarWinds Orion products. This was only the fifth Emergency Directive issued by CISA under the authorities granted by Congress in the Cybersecurity Act of 2015. CISA reported a breach of the SolarWinds Orion products. So guess who uses SolarWinds? Dominion Voting Systems uses SolarWinds products. It’s right there on their website.
and then this ... Was the SolarWinds Orion hack a signal to collect their Dominion Voting Systems data? As conspiracy theories go, this one is pretty mild on the "theory" and heavy on facts. Put them all together and we may have the miracle smoking gun emerging before our eyes that reelects President Trump. A hack. A raid. A series of curious events that all seem to tie back to one company: Dominion Voting Systems. The company at the heart of voter fraud allegations across the country and particularly in contested states may have been exposed despite all of their best efforts. How? Through SolarWinds Orion. Why? Because the Russians, God, or both are helping us out. That’s the premise. Here are the facts. SolarWinds Orion is the company whose security software was hacked this weekend, allegedly by Russians. Major but conspicuously mundane companies and government agencies were among those affected. They were raided today by the FBI, US Marshals, and Texas Rangers. This event likely yielded a seizing of servers. Dominion Voting Systems is likely somewhere on those servers. We can’t know for sure until we hear from the authorities, but it’s conspicuous that they lied about connections to SolarWinds Orion, claiming they had no connections. We know it’s a lie because if you visit their FTP website, it’s operated by Serv-U, a division of SolarWinds. .... more at link
0317, random question but does that number stand for your MOS? Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Ah, thank you for your service Sir! I was reading an article about Marine Scout Snipers, and I noticed the MOS was 0317. I figured it wasn’t a coincidence. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
it used to be 8541, it maybe changing again I read to 0315 with new schooling involved for new Snipers .... Snipers are a low number right now in the USMC ....