Less personnel in the store...since you're self checking out... Also why ads at pumps at geared at getting you in the store to buy even a crappy cup of coffee for 99¢
I get that, I think I'd rather get away from the gimmicky monitors that turn on when you start pumping, and scare the crap out of you with volume level, would be better served with cameras and making someone go inside to pay. If I went in and there's 5 people in line I'd likely browse a bit and maybe pour a cup of coffee/soda to help pass time. Now I only enter a gas station to buy some beer and that is rare as better deals at the grocery store.
Hate those things. What gets me the most about them, you've already pulled in to the station, ran your credit card, nozzle is in the gas tank... and they run a commercial about how great their gas is as if you were still debating on whether or not you are going to purchase their gas.
This probably is not new to some of you, but it is to me. Here is a segment of an interview with a former KGB agent from the USSR in 1984. In the interview, he discusses the Soviet’s plan to bring down America, and the parallels to today are chilling! In fact, the things being said in this almost 40 year old interview are so accurate to today that I had to verify this wasn’t a phony video. I feel like going on, but just listen to the man. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Yeah. Make it easy on me... Instead of asking me if I want a car wash let me order a coffee, doughnut, Sammie while navigating the gas purchase. Then have it ready for me when I walk in the door.
The Detroit reference was from a report given by a dive by the tax dept . I cant remember the video I watched the other day. I layed out the dates and rates. Others do as well I personally watched here in Our town how rigged taxes are. Went with neighbor that had a listing. She had the assessor/tax collector meet her at the house. We all went through it . I listened to the conversation where she told him find a reason to lower the taxes and I can use it to sell the place,you can then raise them after the sale based on assessment. When we bought the exact same thing had happened years earlier. We weren't here two months when a car drove up and peopke with cameras jumped out of a jeep. Tax guy. We were then sent a bill. The deck on the house, not a new deck BTW, was deemed the incorrect size. At the time we didn't notice they had listed our garage as twice the size. Our independent assessment found they'd done that years later. This was a common practice with her and other agents and not just our town. PS.. I DID get some dates incorrect and Chicago for one not Detroit. Though I was veiwing several different sources on this. My bad on that. This said . You tube search " The Pappas tax report" there are others as well. She started hers back in March. There are many loop holes and tricks and yes it all connects. Cities, banks,real estate companies, and urban renewal builders. Learned lots...also how if you buy a house opens you up to agents being able to get ALL your finacial records,well forever when ever,watched that first hand as well on people they didn't like. Also yes, yes that is illegal and is done a lot.
What he has to say is chilling! And what's even more chilling, is the accuracy in which he speaks. Much of what he said has taken place almost to the letter. I can't stop thinking of how Trump hasn't had a single bad/negative thing to say about Putin/Russia during his entire presidency, not one single thing in four years! Trump reeks dictatorship!
So you think that undermining the integrity of the constitution of the US with election fraud is OK? Yeah, that's real democracy.
I'll need to see actual proof, besides the former stripper, a crazy girlfriend from Michigan who may or may not have been a little lubricated at the state capital. Right now Trumps legal team has more covid-19 infections than court victories
No, and that's EXACTLY what Trump thought he was going to do, but all, and I do mean all, of the judges saw through his bullshit. This includes several judges that HE placed, and let's not forget his very own AG Barr! Give it up Greg, it's over.
Germ, tell me that you believe that there has not been any election fraud. Tell me that the election was done all fair and square. Do you really believe that?
Early in, that is not what the judges were saying. I've tried conversing with you many times and you've proven to not comprehend what was being said. Either that or you completely ignore what was said and continued with your brainwashed drivel. In case you haven't noticed, I had stopped conversing with you and had asked the same of you with the "stop stalking" comments, but you persist in pestering me by quoting me. Stay away from me and I stay away from you........ okay?
Until I see proof, I can't say yes or no to the extent Trump is talking about. What the trump legal team has shown is, well diddle.