That one went right over your head. Many times on this board I have stated my respect for Pence as a person.
So what was the point of your post only Pence can deliver utopia? Considering the context as the placement and timing in the thread.
No, it looks like a list you provided though. Mr. Meme, you're flailing again! Not to worry though, it's almost over. Now, Trump can put his plans together to disrupt Biden's inauguration. Trump's a low-life scumbag, who's doing his best to undermine our democracy. I'm pretty sure he will be held accountable at some point.
Are you purposely stalking my meme's so you can make some nonsensical comments? Please follow your own advice. You're TDS is way out of control. You're not making any sense and surly you must be getting tired of getting your a33 handed to you on a regular basis.
Greg, you flatter yourself. lol Not making any sense? Show me where... News flash: Ted Cruz, you know "lying Ted" as the Don called him, will be heading up the legal team in the Texas lawsuit. Ace attorney Rudy Giuliani couldn't make it for undisclosed reasons.
I am beginning to think that nobody is going to be converted here no matter the debate, tell you what on Christmas we will all come out of our trenches and sing silent night.
What is this about?
The Biden family business? Hunter is still being investigated. How far do you think this will go? CEG to DOJ (FARA CEFC).pdf
Hopefully to the point where it is discovered that what they impeached Trump over was a farce because Trump was right.
Ya know what REALLY bothers me about all this, besides the seriousness of the entire Chinese Gov. connection? It is the blatant, OPEN in your face cheating and corruption. They are not even attempting to do a decent job of hiding ANY of it. What does that say about the rest of us? I know what they think it says......
Well, Democrats are used to having their followers blindly follow. They don't expect anyone to actually hold them accountable. Heck, the poor still believe that the Democrats are going to help them out of poverty after several decades of being told the same with zero results.
It is very difficult for me to even believe, let alone understand, that there are people capable of thinking this way. Then, there are idiots that vote them into a position that they can pass legislature according to their thinking. I hope every thief in the area heads for her house.
To be honest given the choice I would rather pistol whip an invader vs shooting them, easier clean up.
I like the sentiment. But, I can't stand that particular Christmas hymn; anyone who thinks Jesus's birth resulted in a Silent Night is off their rocker. CHILD BIRTH in a BARN. My wife gave birth to two boys in a hospital and it was anything but silent. Silent night? Not giving birth in a barn 2000 years ago. Alright, I just introduced religion into a political thread, Merry Christmas you filthy animals!