Hindsight is 2020. I just wish and hope for the guy that in the 60+ fillings of lawsuits with over half being thrown out for lack of evidence and a bevy of other reasons that will probably end in at least two lawyers being disbarred, I just hope they can find that piece of evidence to the contrary. Otherwise, this is some weak, poor, inexcusable act that should be met with just punishment. Same goes for cheaters.
Early in, I have tried many times to explain to you that these cases take time to run their course. I don't control that time and neither do you. No amount of complaining and impatience by you is going to change that. You simply have to let the"fantasy" play out. That's how the law works. For the record, I wish I could speed this process up. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
And you put your faith in a Manhattan DA? Yeah pretty sure there is nothing to gain for that DA. Nobody has every pinned the guy yet you believe 1 guy?
Have to Ask Germ, Early and Bob how long are you going to hate Trump? He is out of office soon, still going to be hurt by his existence?
I'm honestly trying to understand what the appeal is with you guys. The wanting of government dictating your every move and taking your hard earned money for the privilege of doing so. Lying ,I mean obviuously lying about the reasons and careing more about their personal standing in OTHER COUNTRIES more than the welfare of their own people. Thinking that saying they follow the "science" on matters is real, when forcing the MAJORITY of woman to share public bathrooms and showers with men. Men that want to say they are woman and vise versa. Lets put the adult part of that aside and go right to school aged kids. Now this makes me HAVE to address the science behind gay/ lesbian issue. There is actual science to this, though set that aside and go to ma nature. You actual see this in the 4 legged animals. Also in animals when you see one acting like another sex there are also physical differences. Teste or lack of.. In deer, that and antlers. Animals don't just go around thinking they aren't the sex they are physically, scientifically born with. They use the term or idea of " science " as a tool not caring what is real or not. They ignor the science of life when abortions up to birth are allowed and deemed as not a killing of a human. Science actually knows the difference between dividing cells and the formation of a functional human. Though for now,well the wants of a few out way science. That is as long as the culmination of many different small groups can combine to give another minority group power. I do not understand you anymore than I will ever understand how the German, Russian or Chinese people allowed the few to become so powerful. To destroy lives and imprison and impoverish the people they rule. Did you read that!!!! "THE PEOPLE THEY RULE." That is what you foolish people are actually rooting for. May your ancestors never have to review history hating you and wondering why. When actual history is not reviewed or allowed to be altered in the facts, it will repeat it's self.
The office of the president elect is upset about federal executions of violent criminals yet keep making choices. Abortion is the biggest genocide of black people ever yet black lives matter wants to tells us how we should be ashamed of ourselves?
As long as he's filling the heads of people with falsehoods I'll be bothered by his existence. Trump is a compulsive liar, there's no disputing that. No president has ever told the number of lies that Trump has, ever! He is a disgrace to this country, and other countries are having a field day watching him tear it apart. I never thought I'd live long enough to see a president pull the crap this clown has pulled. As an American, I've never been more ashamed and embarrassed. It's all very sad. Attempting to overturn a fair election + saying the Media is your enemy = dictatorship!
Is this what the media has said or did it happen, if he or family members broke the law go after them and press charges or shut up it has been over 4 years of the same crap that does not amount to a damn thing.
I knew you were confused. You're talking about Obama. Lying, secretly sending cash over seas, running guns to Mexican drug cartels etc. Under Trump we've (not you obviously) seen the highest economy ever recorded, lowest unemployment ever recorded, highest wages in years, job growth, quality of life, no wars, strength through peace (not for you/squeemish), no terrorism just to name some off the top of my head. Trump was nominated for 3 nobel peace prizes and brokered peace in the middle east. Nobody or other countries are laughing at him. He's not tearing this country apart....... you and the far left are. Name some of these lies that Trump has told. He's been the most transparent president we've had. You've been brainwashed and have a huge case of TDS because you just don't like him.
Wait, wait just one danm miniute Greg...you COMPLETELY left out weaponizing the IRS and Obama not pointing out fake news, but literally attacking and going after the media to silence them. Now that I'm on that let's talk about cancel culture which is PURELY a left tool. There is one hell of a difference between calling out the media for bias and out right lying and trying to DESTROY the life and lively hood of someone who's opinion you don't like. The hypocrisy shown is literally gut wrenching.
Talk about out of touch with reality. You're the poster child! Let's see. There have been 19,127 false or misleading claims made by this nut, so time is limited. lol We'll start with: The virus is like the flu. (no comparison) We are rounding the curve on the virus. (worst it's been from the start) Tests are creating cases. (no, they simply identify positives) Border wall is being built. (no, mainly just redoing old sections that have become weak) The election was rigged. (no, numerous judges (several appointed by him) and his own Attorney General said so) This boring list goes on and on, so I'll leave it here.
That's laughable! During a Woodward phone conversation Trump says, "I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down..." Is this your idea of transparency??? Greg, you're almost under water.
Keep telling yourself that early in. That is another far left tactic....... if you keep telling lies long enough people will start to believe you. You keep saying the same thing over and over without offering any concrete evidence. Then you end it with "Come on people, wake up". Have you noticed that no one is buying it? You're the only one. You should probably wake up.
Typically weak rebuttal Greg. So weak in fact, I'll no longer go back and forth with you. You're flailing!