I am not going there I just keep going forward I have no choice life goes on. I only worry about what I can control the rest is pointless.
I'm afraid that Sota is right. Quoting a far left organization as fact is a dangerous thing to do. I can post just as many sources to refute those from the left. Also, okiebob and germ, how much do you think Trumps legal fees will cost once all the legal battles have been decided? It seems that many don't understand how long it takes to carry cases all the way to the scotus. I believe that all those campaign donations will be pretty used up by the time the dust settles. I do not believe that Trump is racking up all that cash to just ride off into the sunset with. This whole fight has nothing to do with ODS or BDS. This fight has everything to do with the integrity of the american constitution and system of justice. There is no room for fraud or cheating. Not even a little bit or we'll lose our country to total corruption. Can any of you say that there was no cheating or fraud in this last election? Not enough to change the results is an invalid answer. Any amount of fraud or cheating is grounds for disqualification because it would be impossible to sort it out entirely. Then the constitution must be followed to pick the president.
I would not mail $500 cash hell not even a $100 in the US mail only a fool would yet ballots are sacred?
Well that means 2016, 2012, 2008,2004 and the rest are now all invalid with this logic. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I cant wait til these talking head, youtubers and the like D bags from both sides are silenced once all this election dust settles. Ping ponging around half truths and inflaming the country with rhetoric fit for a war. Good job talking head D bags, good job.
The difference is that this one is not over yet. When is enough, enough for you. There is nothing we can do to correct the past but there is a lot we can do to correct the future. This is the logic you should have got from that.
No, he's going to take those donations and use them to pay the legal team he's going to need to fight the Manhattan DA.
Its on every single media outlet out there and the Republican governor has even come forward. So it would not matter where I quoted it from, until your exalted grand ruler says so it isn't truth eh... Dunning-Kruger much? Is this your first cult or are you waiting for OAN to announce who you will be a disciple of next?
My next prediction is that old cousin humping Rudy does not fair well with the covid. Trump then uses Rudy's death by telling everyone that all the "smoking guns" he had on them darn dirty two faced democrats and their dastardly cheating was with Rudy and the dems killed him with the covid for it. Now nobody will know the truth... Its like a soap opera.
What I find seriously puzzling, is how Trump has the balls to say this election has been rigged, yet he's been pressuring certain state leaders to overturn the results of a proven fair election. I'm pretty sure that's illegal, but he's been setting his own rules from the start and getting away with it. In another few months he's going to get a real good dose of reality.
False. There are media outlets out there that refute your posted quotes. Newsmax and Fox. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
The voters are supposed to pick the president. Not some corrupt individuals or machinery. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
Let's hear you guys say it.... there was no election fraud. I don't think you will. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
Its the original game plan from 2016 to launch his news network, dudes to cheap and simple to come up with a new one.
What, you don't think a month has been long enough? Stop with the fantasy already, it has gotten very old.