I agree, is a damn party that necessary. All they are asking is to stay home, it's not that hard. Basketball on all day!!!!
BREAKING: PA Judge Blocks Certification Of Election Results Oops! Someone should tell PA Democrats, the Joe Biden campaign, and the Democrat Party media who propagandize on their behalf, to put the cork back in their champagne…this battle to defend the integrity of our vote is far from over. https://100percentfedup.com/breaking-pa-judge-blocks-certification-of-election-results/
We'll, everyone is still waiting for the proof of all this "cheating". It's all been bogus allegations, none of it has been documented. Trump ought to get on with trying to at least act like a president in his final days. Instead, he wants to act like a frigging child, which he's quite good at. What he and his "legal team" have been doing is laughable, and a national EMBARRASSMENT. What Trump has done with our election process is unthinkable. He thrives on instilling doubt on how our elections are carried out, and their results questioned. But, not to worry, the DOW hit a record high the other day! That's good enough, isn't it? At this point, and from everything I've seen and heard, I actually have to question Trump's mental state. For him, at this point, to still be saying the election will be overturned is just not reality. He's living in a pretend world. Someone should get him some help.
Early in, your pathetic whining is a tribute to your appalling lack of integrity. It shows just how much your TDS is affecting you. You are willing to accept cheating just to get your candidate elected. People of strong principle and integrity want to know the truth and are willing to wait and see what the outcome of the investigations will bring. You have proven many times that you are not one of them. In almost all cases, when a person cheats, they are disqualified. Lance Armstrong for example. This has to play out. You cannot rush the investigation. Sydney Powell filed 2 lawsuits just yesterday. Lets see what happens. I want to know the truth. Do you? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/20...hell-complain-massive-fraud-georgia-election/ https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/the-kracken-released/
in the first place, ANYONE who voted for Biden/Harris and the dems show a distinct lack of intelligence and those that clamor for 'evidence' with the many civil cases being filed in several states have no idea how a court works or how civil case must go thru the judicial system ... while hundreds of sworn and legal affidavits have already been presented and are considered 'evidence', it is the discovery part of civil case where much more 'evidence' can and will be found ... this is not a TV show that wraps up in one hour ... here is an excellent INFOGRAPHIC that explains much of what is going on... heck, even a dem/Biden voter could understand it (well, maybe) http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2020/11/infographic-shocking-allegations-of.html
here ya go, you want EVIDENCE ?? watch this video .... this is from a highly respected and renowned security/computer tech expert during the hearing in PA yesterday (Wed) Listen VERY closely to what this witness in PA says happened with roughly 600K votes during curious "spikes" in the vote count... 570K to Biden... just 3,200 to Trump?!?!? https://twitter.com/DineshDSouza/status/1331682207484801024
Here is a great IN DEPTH analysis of what happened in those key states when all those votes were DUMPED in for Biden .... more proof the election was stolen ..... If Joe Biden taking the lead in Michigan and Wisconsin was the moment the dynamic of the Presidential race changed, this may be the moment the dynamic changes again. A thorough and damning new analysis just published calls the legitimacy of this critical period into question and shows just how completely ridiculous and far-fetched the core of Joe Biden’s comeback really was in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia. It flags four individual vote dumps critical to Joe Biden’s “victory” in these states and shows, convincingly, that their ratios of Biden votes to Trump votes were profoundly anomalous when compared to other dumps in those states and virtually every other vote dump across the country. The report is written in dry and academic language, filled with graphs, footnotes, and various hedges, but its implications could not be more obvious. Indeed, if the authors were less tepid, they might have fairly titled it: Joe Biden’s Victory Was Not Legitimate. And Now We Can Prove it. Because that’s exactly what the report does. It looks at election data and shows what many would expect: the states and cities that had the most suspicious circumstances on election night and into the next day are precisely where the analysis flags extreme anomalies. the real truth is at the link, and it even has graphs and pics and technical words for those in Rio Linda https://www.revolver.news/2020/11/definitive-case-proves-donald-trump-won-election/
wait there's MORE ... video after video after video after video of election fraud actually happening in real time... some of these will be used as EVIDENCE in the civil court hearings https://stonecoldtruth.com/watch-voter-fraud-and-election-meddling-evidence-floods-social-media/
So what the Democrats have been doin for four years with the Russian fraud isn't embarrassing? Or the bogus impeachment, where there's more evidence of Biden's wrongdoing? Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
https://noqreport.com/2020/11/26/lt-gen-tom-mcinerney-this-is-the-start-of-a-counter-offensive/ “In Pennsylvania, the state sent out 1.8 million mail-in ballots,” General McInerney said, referring to yesterday’s Pennsylvania legislature hearings to which President Trump called in. “Then they counted 2.5 million mail-in ballots. You go figure.” .... (must be that new democrat algorithm .. lol ) The Kraken was released. Two of them, actually, as Sidney Powell made public her lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan late yesterday. Things are starting to turn in President Trump’s favor. The Two Mikes were honored to be able to host Lt. General Tom McInerney (Ret’d) on this Thanksgiving morning. General McInerney gave a concise and very specific update on the status of the Democrats’ attempt to steal the election from Trump and loyal Americans. He noted, in particular, that the evidence presented by Mr. Giuliani and his team on Wednesday, and the evidence contained in Sidney Powell’s filings on the same day is “nearly irrefutable”. She noted in her Georgia lawsuit that 96,000 absentee ballots we not recorded and therefore must be thrown out. According to General McInerney, there was likely some involvement in all this by the Department of Defense whose “Kraken” surveillance system helped determine that “we have Chinese and Iranian involvement. Very, very startling.” The General offered some very specific comments on how the Democrats arranged to have the exact same perversions of the vote occur at exactly the same time in six states. The General leaves the well-substantiated impression, that, while the battle is not over, the worm may be beginning to turn in the direction of president Trump and all American patriots. “In Pennsylvania, the state sent out 1.8 million mail-in ballots,” General McInerney said, referring to yesterday’s Pennsylvania legislature hearings to which President Trump called in. “Then they counted 2.5 million mail-in ballots. You go figure.” In a separate filing by the Amistad Group, Wisconsin came into play. According to the General, “Wisconsin has identified 150,000 fraudulent votes, and they outline them by the numbers very accurately.” Much of this is coming not just from the various teams of attorneys or law enforcement investigations, but from the people. General McInerney said, “There’s a ton of information coming, much of it through crowdsourcing. People like us.” This was another fantastic interview of Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney. He understands what’s happening behind the scenes and puts it all together for us. The tide is turning. President Trump will be reelected when all is said and done.
We ....... by cheating? We'll have to wait and see about that. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.