“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.” ― John Adams, The Works Of John Adams, Second President Of The United States When the blind lead the blind, everyone falls off the cliff.
Damn I wish I had some of these earlier. I just had a boating accident. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I do get a kick out of the liberals who are mocking people that are protesting the time it is taking to count votes. Guess it was not shameful how they have acted since 2016.
well the Fraud is “official” we’ll see how it plays out but wow what a disaster. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Just take out your wallets and open them wide Filled tank yesterday 1.19 ...told the clerk , I better enjoy this it will be the lowest I'll pay for a long time to come. Dems, just can not do anything without cheating. I will be honest, I wish very bad things on the heads of Schumer,Pelosi, AOC, both Cuomo brothers, Maxine, Ohmar, Tleib and the twitt from Alaska. Schiff well I have special little wishes for him. Dingle, well just look at her..I just wish someone,anyone would give her decent make up and teach her how to put on eye liner and mascara! Then make her stare at pics of how she's looked for the last 4 years.
I have a solution to this clustersuck...it's not perfect but it benefits me just fine since I'm in MO and KS. Go ahead and divide the country by states that Biden won. We'll keep our president Trump...the rest of you can go procreate with yourselves with your president Biden (I mean Kommie-la Harris).
You guys get your own congress, you can have the democrat commie bastards in there now and the rinos.