I guarantee that, and it is why Pelosi introduced her bill for removal of president from office and then after some alarms went off she declared, this isn't about Trump. One thing the hostility against Trump, which was all media and elite made, taught us, is when neither chamber works together very little gets done for 4 years. Biden is going to come in and revers some of Trumps EO's, hell he may even surpass Trump with EO's because the Senate is not going to give him what the House would not give Trump. Turnabout is fair play rings a bell. One thing I will give the Democrats, and when I say Democrats I refer to those in Congress and state Government, is that they have spines and stick together regardless of what it is. Germ likes to say "Lemming" and "Toe the Line" but in the grand scheme of things that is exactly what Democrats do, and we "Lemmings" often wish our Republican lawmakers would do. But it does not work that way. Sure you have the susceptible Dems that are "allowed" to vote with the Republicans, when and only when, the majority is already had and their vote is not needed but caters to their constituents. That's the spineless Dems who are only in it for the money and power. Too often we see spineless Republicans take office. That is my vow from this day on. Eff the seat, I want saomeone with spine in that seat, no more Mark Kirks IL(R) replaced by traitor Duckworth, I'll never vote for another puppet again. Still hope Trump pulls this off in some fashion, but I'm ready to take to the street with my AR none the less, bring on your bottle rockets and mortars antifa thugs..... Oh wait, nevermind, I am more civil than that. I'll just wait until the next election and continue to hope the rest of America wakes up.
Trump STILL has a chance ... the Dems are cheating their way to the Whitehouse ...ex: 100,00 ballots delivered from the Detroit area and EVERY ONE was for Biden ... not one for Trump, not one for the green party, not one for the libertarian, that smells as fishy as a Subic Bay bar girl ... .... not to mention the bullcrap going on in PA. with the mail in BS .... Trump will win GA., NC and PA. I believe, he still has a chance for AZ. which was called to soon, and Nevada is still on the blocks ..
To your questioning the status quo point, earlier. Does this law make sense? Why shouldn't ballots at least be staged (envelopes opened, any ballot QA, if not pre processed bit not reported prior to election day)? I will give NC kudos on how they had 1m+ early vote readied and started reporting precincts soon after polls closed....
I'd ask what is Michigan's normal early vote tally compared to this years, and how many days after the election did it take them to count and report them?
Well that was a bill to do so and was not brought forward by the senate in Michigan Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Posted this to Facebook and I'm done with this thread as well. I'll accept a defeat as much as I'd accept a win. Hoping most censoring works "Bet a wooden nickel against your silver dollar that if Trump is declared defeated over the course of the next 7 days you won't see videos of crying pussies. My guess is, you won't even see protests or riots in the streets burning and looting their neighborhood stores creating their revenue for their town/city. I'll go out on a limb and say you will see a few days to a week of bitching and then start seeing talk about 2 years later and then the 4th year election. Little yuppies out their crying and bitching couldn't make it a day without allowances and hand me downs. I know of millions who could take to the streets with handguns and rifles with more than enough ammunition, but choose not to as they are civil and able to accept the outcome of an election. ***** and move on, fight for the next election rather than cry and wrap yourself in vagina wrap. Want to be taken seriously? Act like a human not a f**king petulant child living in their 20's and 30's."
If anybody needs a reminder, here's my take on politics. All these "stories" hunter biden,stormy, danieals, fake birth certificat,Russian collusion,Michelle O being a man,Joe with demensia,add nauseum is for no reason than just to fire up the other base. How the fok can there be SOOO many scandals in the news the past 15 years and NONE come true? The R's are just as guilty as the D's.!
Not my problem... all my firearms are somewhere on the bottom of Badin Lake.... if Biden wants them he is going to have to drain the swamp lake...
I agree, I don’t expect pussy hat riots... but you can bet your ass that there are going to be a lot of boating accidents involving firearms