It ain't over till the fat lady sings and I havent heard a peep out of Amy Schumer yet.. I could care less who wins at this point, nothing about my life will change either way.
He would have to call for a recount first. Then, I believe he could then move on to contesting individual ballots. Given the history that WI has with recounts, there will not be a substantial change to the vote total for either candidate.
I am hearing rumors that 140,000 Biden votes popped real late before the cut off. Seriously, 140K, if this is true that definitely seem odd. But, could just be internet rumors. I have not tried to validate it. It is circulating the Defacebooks.
We have a rumor floating around here in Oklahoma that mail in ballots were not counted but I'm here to tell ya they were and are still be counted. But bc its not showing processed on some website by the state that probably still runs on a DOS platform..
We all pay far too much in taxes regardless how much money we make. God asks for 10%, the government can and should get by on less and until that day, all the politicians suck.
A little election satire about voter turn out in WI
Trump campaign said they are to sue MI and PA to half ballot counting. Also, requesting recount in WI...
The best part of today.. no more dumb rooster lollipops blowing up my phone, email and TV with their begging for campaign money that only makes media outlets wealthy while they feed us all the lies and mudslinging.
what really makes me angry is the gym at the YMCA is voting for a precinct and we can't go play basketball. Let's just rock/paper/scissors this for all the marbles
Give it to Biden, eff it. Republicans will hold the Senate. For the next 4 years I want the Senate to run investigation after investigation on Biden and the whole campaign spying, while simultaneously looking into Hunter and his involvement. Tit for Tat, lets see how hypocritical the Dems really are, lets have 4 years of political turmoil to top off the 4 years of political turmoil we have just went through. I just say to the Democrats, good luck on packing the SCOTUS Said it many times before, I am so glad I am at least half way through my life, sadly I'm afraid I've already lived the best half. Our country has now learned that tantrums and hissy fits will get you what you want, just the way the future generations have been raised. I'm just glad the fools in Chitcago realized how bad the progressive tax State Constitution Amendment was and helped reject it. I'll conclude with Eff China and their Virus
I kind of agree, but if he wins I don’t believe we’re going to get four years of Biden. Anyone can see that he’s not up to the job. I don’t know how long he’ll hold the position, but I’ll bet before his term is up we will have President Harris and that scares the hell out of me.