Come on. You know it won't regardless of the outcome. There will be crying in beers and finger pointing that "someone" stole or flipped the election. Or a whole lot of "see, I told you so!" This thread keeps rolling another 6 months.
Anyone hear about the 79 days of h3ll. I don't believe it is going to get into all out anarchy and the UN will be involved. I also don't think this ends tonight or tomorrow. I'm somewhere in between.
We're bigger than two old men and bunch of crazies, it will be fine. Full confession I did buy extra water, food and of course TP
I have tap water, but also a well. I also have a solar water pump for the well. We have a Culligan water cooler for the house that heats water and chills it. So I went down and got 20 jugs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Question It would seem (media and outspoken folks) would have you believe we are more divided and partisan as a nation. If it were possible to assess present and former ballots, do you think there would be a higher percentage of straight party ballots (discounting uncontested races) now compared to historical years?
I voted at 10 am and was the only person there. I love small towns! Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
In and out in 5 minutes here, took longer to fill out the uncontested judges seats. I had a "Larson/Silva '20, Make Grassroots Racing Great Again" shirt on which caused some excitement. After 30 seconds of deliberation the election judges viewed the shirt as a play on words and deemed it as appropriate to vote in.
I ran to vote around 10 a.m., walked right in with zero wait. Work starts at 4:30 so 10 is lunch time for me. Only three others there voting at the time. Town is around 30k in size. I figured mid morning would be a good time. Retired folks would've went early, night shifters aren't up yet, the rest are at work and lunch is around mid day for them.
I went at 730 and was number 37 already in small town SW MN (pop. 800). We have a huge vote to pass a bond referendum for a new school so I have a feeling it will be a huge turnout.
I can't speak for the other two guys...but my like was on speculation seriously
voted on the way to work this afternoon about 1:30 at the fire station ..... I gave myself an extra 1.5 hrs just in case .... it wasnt needed... was done in less than 10 minutes, only 1 guy ahead of me ... I spent more time yappin' with the poll workers ..... over 500 had voted in the AM it was said, way more than that during the 'early voting' he said .... my timing was perfect, cars/trucks were pulling in when I was leaving .... btw, Trump is up 61-32% at 6:30pm in Indiana .. we will do our part, now for the 'swing states' and others to do theirs ... MAGA !!