Tonight, I think for the first time in my voting life, I can actually say I felt my vote was counted 4 years ago. This is what I voted for in Trump, the bonus was we got to see the true elitist left, both in congress and in life, show their true selves and their disdain for the American way of life as the constitution was meant for it to guarantee. Democrats would not have batted an eye at setting a 6-3 majority for their ideologies, wouldn't have blinked and they'd have nominated the left most judges that they could have. Roberts and Gorsuch will hold the balance, that I am sure of and in some instances may be disappointed in that, but I'll accept it. Ginsberg in 2016 showed her true separation of politics and judicial prudence, many of the left appointed justices are similar in views.
I just watched the swearing in ceremony, man that was beautiful. I'm so proud of Trump and this nations patriots right now.
Finally...I have gotten hubby to crack just a little on getting out of this hell hole state....He came home with...The state isn't giving counties their sales tax back and now they are looking to raise our county real estate taxes, one suggests ..........87%.......... My response...they don't know what real riots look like but will....
See that Can I change my vote is trending on google, people can't figure out how to vote and the democrats want to let 16 year olds vote?
I always worry about the liberal voting block of sheep ! The dem party could put Jeffrey Dahmer up for election and all the SHEEP would vote for him, ! They always do as they are told ! Democrat voters are great S H E E P
Chuck Schemer actually said that generations of unborn children will suffer because ACB was confirmed to the supreme court.
But emperor Cuomo needs your tax dollars for NYC... It's the SOS different administration (and sometimes the same Cuomo family).