Biden got exposed in blatantly lying about fracking and his record of not doing anything he preaches over the last 47+ years lost him the debate. The public in general doesn't have a very long memory but we have all seen Biden saying ( a lot) that he's going to stop fracking and kill fossil fuel usage immediately...hell the democrats attack it every time they're in power. The Hunter Biden stuff is largely ineffectual I feel because it's mostly red meat for Trump supporters, the liberals will never accept it as anything but disinformation and I'm not sure there are any folks undecided or unpolarized at this point.
I agree and I take this as a given, hell I knew that crap was going on when the crooked a holes were in office. That's how politicians come into office worth not much of anything and retire as multi-millionaires. All I'm saying is that at this point, it's preaching to the choir. I guess it's worth saying but I'm not sure it's worth a lot of points as a score in a debate.
One thing that bothers me about Trump is why the colorful eff can he not seem to get a grip on these agencies. Clintons and Obama had the crookedest friggin justice departments in history and they marched in lockstep with the democrap party. I'd have friggin cleaned house starting on day 1. Trump should have known how packed the agencies were, why he didn't start heads rolling is beyond me and it pisses me off to be honest. That's really my only complaint against Trump so far. Hell Obama was literally firing Generals who disagreed with him.
Could a democrat stop by and tell me what plan or program they have that would have stopped covid from spreading?
Mandatory home quarantine, and masks (including on video calls and while riding in cars), raise taxes, optional riots and burning, defund the police, lgbtq rights, diversity, black lives matter, kneel during national anthems, and giving your tax dollars to non profits.
So, another round of "do as I say, not as I do," cute, can't wait to see what this country turns into when the government operates following BAPPP; the Biden and Pelosi Parenting Plan.
when allowed to talk, the real Biden comes out and it was scary for America on what demented Joe said last evening .... this country and its people would be so screwed with a O'biden/Harris administration ... while no knock out blow was tossed by Trump, Trump won on points ... Winner Trump and America ....
I just see on TV democrats saying Trump has failed miserably with covid response, being that they are so critical they must have ideas or information about a much better response. When people complain to me I always ask what is your alternative? To me complaining without action is whining, and I have zero time for whining. The democrats have done nothing but whined.
I really am hard pressed to identify many problems/issues the federal Government really has delivered well upon, in the past 40 years. I also think expectations that the federal government is going to protect you from yourself is unrealistic, if every Karen, Joe 6pack and college kid isn't going to listen and comply - regardless of party in 1600 PA Ave. Final point, apart from the fed government, why are city/county and state governments not complicit or held to the same expectation of containing or addressing the pandemic? I.e. If there was one successful, don't you think others would beat a path to their door to implement similar controls/practices? No, instead, this is (rather, has become) classic partisan politics.