Caught a couple minutes of Rush at lunch, what are the chances that "the Dems are scouring through her past students to find a disgruntled Balsy-Ford type student she taught? As we speak?"
Biden ran to his basement early this Am and put a 'lid' on it is said (he is in hiding) ... no wonder, with all the info coming out on Him, Junior, Burisma and all the illegal dealings ... daddy Biden WAS introduced to a Burisma exec. AFTER the Impeachment proceedings had started ... who introduced him ... Hunter Jr. of course ... OOOOPSIE !!
That is so anti-Illinois of you and sure to get you voted off the island! Mohammed really wanted you to harvest his vote. I thought the state motto was 'vote early, vote often '...
WOW !! .... supposedly a recording of Obama officials/Parrot exists of even the Bush administration not wanting to go after Osama, then the Obama admin. doing the same .... supposedly the where about of the terrorist was known for some time ... wonder what made Obama finally go after him ..
from the indefatigable Charlie Kirk .... Daddy Biden MET WITH SOROS the day before email to Hunter Jr. !! .... two socialist/Marxist scum bags meeting ..... this is not looking good for the Bidens
i still for the life of me can not figure out how rich people can be democrat or supporting biden? capitalism is what made them rich but supporting biden and socialism just doesn't make any sense to me. i guess maybe they are dumber than i thought. i work for a customer that makes about a million dollars a year and they love biden. i want to ask them if they understand that when biden raises taxes by 7% that they will lose $70,000 a year of their hard earned money. i'm guessing biden won't be sending any thank yous to them. it's soooo annoying!
I feel the same when it comes to firearms/the 2A and hunting .... how anyone can own firearms/ support the 2A and yet vote for a dem/any dem boggles the mind .... same for dems that hunt, the democrat party is the party of enviro nut cases/PETA/HSUS and all animal rights activists who would in a heart beat stop any and all hunting ... does anyone think Pelosi/Maxine Waters/ Commie Harris or Joe Biden et al. will support BOWhunting or trapping ?? .. ..... there is a reason the saying "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder" is so true ....yet these little dems will still vote for a person/party that would end all this in a second..... those dems have a screw loose