It's like they already know they're gonna loose. I don't think I've ever seen so much effort put in to stop one person. Sure there was bitching and moaning when Barry was POTUS but it was far from 8 years of making up things to get him booted. I truly hope Trump gets reelected if only for the massive meltdown from the left. 2016 was hilarious to watch unfold and this time will be better. I honestly don't know how anyone with half a brain could support the idiots like Nancy and her goons. I just hope the next time a dem is elected POTUS the Republicans have enough balls to constantly stir the pot like whats happening now. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
That's a very scientific poll you have sir, as about as accurate as your claim Hillary is going to run in 2020.
Also I was not part of the group wanting to kidnap the Gov, I just wanted our kids to be able to play sports
Good to see you were acquitted, bailed out or are on release already for good behavior. Child athletics is a tough racquet.
STOLEN !!!! . some asswipe democrat/liberal/Marxist/O'biden bot stole my Trump/Pence yard sign !! ... I got home at 3 pm and it was gone by the time I went out to mow at 4:30 !! ... I called the the local PD, hell, I'm 1.5 blocks away from the cop shop !! ... the female officer said this is on going... many Trump/Pence signs are being stolen she said .. I told her, there will be no body parts left IF I catch them, she laughed ... I now have a deer cam up over looking sign # 2 now .. I just ordered 2 more signs and will put up four more cams tomorrow (I have several, need batteries) ... never had a problem in 2016, this is now WAR !! ...
I know of several democrats who are fed up with the dems, and are voting Trump ... they see the damage the dems are doing, they see the threat to this country IF O'Biden/Harris get in ... they have abandoned the dem party ... .....
As Ive been documenting, Mail in Voting sucks and has been ripe for theft and fraud and the theft and fraud is on going and happening NOW !! ... here is another case in Ohio .... 50,000 ballots this time around ... there were 58K in PA stolen, those thousands up in Minnesota stolen by Omar/Biden bots and over 200K in Houston/Harris county Texas by 2 county commissioners, a State Senator and a Biden campaign official ... ...
I try. And you'd be surprised on how much we agree on but you know that doesnt bring people to social media or sell ad space on the rube tube..
The man was violated some scumbag came on his property and took something that did not belong to them. I see no problem, kill them all.