you got taken by the media. It is understandable due to the massive amount of both dis- and mis-information in regards to that case. Even conservative media keeps parroting misinformation in regards to the knock/no-knock issue. Left wing media is just 1000% full of crap in regards to this case and nearly nothing they say can be believed except that she was black and they were white cops...which is all they really care about anyway. Read the Kentucky AG's report for the real story. Suffice to say- Ms. Taylor was a subject of the investigation Officers had Probable Cause to believe her home was used as a stash house for drugs and/or drug money Her home WAS the subject residence named in the search warrant which was signed by a judge as a result of a weeks-long investigation Officers knocked and announced then breached the door Ms. Taylor's boyfriend opened fire first and struck and severely wounded one officer before officers returned fire Neither Ms. Taylor nor the boyfriend were "asleep in their beds" when the gunfire started- they were awake and moving about the residence While her death is tragic for all involved- If anything, the Taylor shooting is illustrative of why no-knock warrants are sometimes necessary component of officer safety. People with drugs and money tend to guard said drugs and money with guns. People who sell drugs are often drug users themselves. Illegal drugs, including marijuana, can make people very paranoid and apt to react unpredictably. No-knocks are usually only approved by a judge when officers articulate that it is necessary to preclude the destruction of evidence (ie flushing dope down the toilet) and officer safety (known firearms in the residence; violent criminal history of the subjects inside the residence, etc.) While not a certainty; it is quite likely that Ms. Taylor would be alive today and the officer would have never been shot at all if the cops had gone in full-on No-Knock, smashed the door, shock and awe, and grabbed Mr. Boyfriend and Ms. Taylor in their bed before they had time to react. It would have been just another warrant served with everyone alive and unhurt- and none of us would have never heard of Ms. Taylor- but she would be alive.
And people were mad about this shooting. Even the person in the car right next to the gunman lied...over and over and over. Bold faced lie. This is the product of the liars we have produced in our society. It is a national epidemic.
Product of not being taught whats right and wrong..just how to scam, cheat, lie and steal your way through starts with welfare fraud then snow balls right into class room doctrinations. From what seed did this societal weed grow so many years ago???? The US has always had some sort of poor welfare but prior to FDR it was based on getting people away from the gov. Teet and teacing work ethics, self sufficient behaviors.
what part of "YOU HAVE A GUN IN YOUR LAP", "DONT MOVE !!" do these idiots not understand ?? .... the Darwin theory comes to play here ... and after all this, the stupid be-och continues to claim he didnt have a gun .... do I feel sorry for what happened, nope, not for the perps, only for the officer that wasnt given another choice ... btw, Ive never watched one second of ESPN in my life .. piss on 'em ..
Did you see the Biden msnbc interview today..Oh my! That anchor closed her eyes and you could just see her thinking ... God please God not on my show!...Then opened her eyes and told him what his thought was. It absolutely kills me to see Biden signs in yards...We have got to be the laughing stock of the world for allowing him to even run..I can't imagine how fast they'll be on our doorstep if this country elects such a weak person as our leader. It's no joke about these ballots as I warned months ago.....
My senior citizen liberal inlaws are convinced that they just want biden to win so "that woman" can take over, they are against this.
I think my answer has changed. I've always thought that if I were ever asked what Trump's biggest accomplishment was I would matter of factly answer Supreme Court appointments, without hesitation. Now I no longer believe that. I think his biggest achievement has been getting the Congressional Democrats and other state/local "leaders" across the nation to remove their masks and expose themselves for their true purpose. If we don't get our way, we will force it down your throats at the first chance we get. "If you approve the SC nominee we'll pack the court. Then we will make 2 additional Blue states that will guarantee we never lose another election or control over the country". We are literally seeing a national Michael Madigan power play. I hope the hell people wake up and realize what these people are actually saying, I cannot believe how many cheer that chit on. They obviously have no clue what it all means. Elections have consequences