Liberals have gone crazy over Ginsburg, many are already threatening "to burn the country down" if there is any attempt to nominate/confirm another Justice .... IMO, the process needs to start ASAP... Ginsburg herself was pushed thru and confirmed in just 45 days (its ok when the Dems do it) ... with the election coming and the Dems already 'cheating' with the mail-in ballots and some states extending the mail-in vote counting, it is very likely the SCOTUS will be needed to settle Trump's win ....
Biden put out his SCOTUS nomination short list John G. Roberts Jr. Clarence Thomas Stephen G. Breyer Samuel A. Alito, Jr. Sonia Sotomayor Elena Kagan Neil M. Gorsuch Brett M. Kavanaugh
now this limp wristed RINO comes out against a expedited nom./ confirmation ... just what the hell is wrong with these people !!?? .. they must be blind to see how important it is to have a full SCOTUS, and to have a solid originalist on that bench prior to the election ... .. but then again, these turds would love to see Trump lose ... as long as they have their seat in the Senate, that is all they care about.. this is now two down on what is needed to confirm ... damn, I despise Murkowski, Collins, Romney !!
They can all 3 go piss up a rope honestly. Murkowski is a lame duck already, Collins is a puppet and Romney should just be castrated and cast into an ocean of tiger sharks. Don't need them but cannot lose another
Pelosi dosnt rule out Impeachment (again) to try and stop Trump ....... what a witch !! ... we MUST take back the House and keep the Senate and keep Trump in office or this country is gone ..