Will someone PLEASE tell me why Fox news would shut down Gingrich for telling the truth about Soros's funding all the BS going on in this country. That video was such an unbelievable pile of crap from those idiot woman.
^^ .. quit watching daytime FoxNews.. esp. those bimbos on Outnumbered ... I'll only watch Tucker/Hannity and Ingraham ... for news, and truthful news go to NewsMax .. they just spent a full segment on Soro's, touching on what happened to Newt ... Michelle Malkin had some good info on Soro's and who he has paid to get in office...as they say follow the money, and her investigations have done just that .. Kim Fox in Chitcago and that prosecutor in St. Louis who went after the McKloskeys were just a few that were bank rolled by Soro's and his various groups ... it was that Liberal Obamabot sitting in on Outnumbered that shutdown Newt ... Newt was 110% correct in his assertions ...
Here ya go .. a great article on Foxnews/Soros https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...n_creating_americas_leftist_bluecity_das.html
I don't watch it it was a subject on a different show. Yep EVERYONE took note of that bizzar exchange. Note I said idiot woman. It's not like his Wizard of OZ actions aren't well known.
After the first debate plant the seed of a write in Bernie on your mail in ballot. Democrats do not really even like each other they can easily be turned to someone who is even more liberal.
" If the president had done his job, done his job! ALL the people would still be alive! I'm not making this up! " Are you F ing kidding me, Tell Andy Cuomo that and the families of the dead elderly HE actually killed in his nursing home order. Then lets also WONDER how many people MAY have died before the ,covid initiated, do not resuscitate order was rescinded in NYS .
Don't forget to vote this November 3rd through the 17th. They're losing their damned minds https://www.forbes.com/sites/alison...more-time-to-submit-mail-in-ballots-deadline/
The election is approximately six weeks away, any reasonable person in their right mind should in the next two to four weeks that is considering voting absentee go through the process to secure the correct information to submit their vote? Not, oh crap it's election day, I need to get my ballot in the mail box... then, oh no! the mailbox that was here 10 years ago isn't here anymore whatever will I do? Or they simply could put a mask on and go to the precinct...
Like I said in a previous statement, SCOTUS is likely going to have to step in at some point. Early voting here starts in 6 days, I just today received a mailing from the SOS Jesse White stating that the previous mailing with a form to submit for my mail in ballot has not been received and that I still had time to get a ballot in the mail. I am not and will not submit for one. I'm curious to see if they send me one anyway like I'm some helpless schmuck that just didn't understand the process. If I cannot find a way to vote in person, safely, in the next 40 days, maybe I shouldn't be voting to begin with. I'd much rather have seen them open voting up 2 weeks early for in person early voting then have them extend mail in voting so as the tally comes in they can decide how many more votes they need to get. Hell, better yet. Maybe no votes can be counted until all voting deadlines have expired and once tabulation has started no further votes can be received. Congressional Democrats are the filthiest of the vile beings that make up our government. Sure, there are some Republicans that fit that same titling, but the biggest difference between the two is the Democrats are as a whole, one ideology and stick together regardless of how dishonest and absurd their position and agenda is. My case in point on the above statement. Obamacare. Look how the Democrats crammed that through and then look at how the Republicans who vowed to repeal and replace it, did it.