My God this is dairy and farm country...Too many Biden signs.....hhhhmmmm ....connection to the manuer spreading, I
Here is that YUUUUGE Trump sign ... he owns a nursery and excavating company ... he has two others about 1/4 the size of this one on either side of his drive way about 50 yds to the right of this ... this large one is on a high berm, beyond is a nice pond and his house.. ...
I’m so glad the sheriff challenged Lebron James. Lebron wouldn’t necessarily be a bad guy if he doesn’t donate that money. I’m just waiting to hear what he might say about the incident or if he doesn’t even acknowledge it. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
As a bandwagon gopher football fan, they can "row the boat" right into the dumpster fire. Mildly related, UMN needed to free up some money so some of the highest paid coaches take a 10% pay cut, and then they completely got rid of several of their sports...
moving away from sports ... It was an HISTORIC day today as the US and the Gulf States of Israel, UAE and Bahrain sign the "Abraham Accords" which is a YUUUUGE step towards peace and trade in the Mideast ... Thank You POTUS Trump ....