Funny how they folks that talk down to us about man caused climate change have no problem flying city to city in private jets in an election year.
For all of my fellow PA members and everyone else actually.. Just when i thought this stuff couldn't get more absurd... 2 years in prison.
See where they actually caught an activist starting a fire out west. Wondering how many more were started by them, other than the idiots "reveal"... I honestly wish I could feel sorry for all out West, other than loss of life , I just can't. Saying that with family living in both Eugene and California. Calling this man made climate related is just rich. For one thing none of these nimrods deep dive,Earth/solar science or over all LAND management. Again, as I say often Ma nature is cleaning house, and these nimrods will learn NOTHING, going back and rebuilding and repeating the same mistakes. What is that called again???? Oh your tax dollars funding it.
It is interesting if we had a large fire that was reported as arson we would have copy cat starts for the next couple of days. No doubt the bed wetting arsonists want to go start a bigger one and rub one out while they watch it burn.
Pop .. Pop pop .. Pop .... POP POP POP .... Pop ... POP POP ... pop pop pop pop ..... POP .. that is the liberal/Marxist Dem heads exploding as Trump has TWICE been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize >>>
O'bama did NOTHING for his NPP, ... Trump has done tons for his ..
Is she not the most smoking hot first lady ever? Jackie was hot but she sounded like a medicated child when she spoke and was not as smoky hot as Melania.