Protests .. er ah rioting .. er ah protests .. er ah rioting/looting (all one in the same) coming to a city near YOU .. the marxist dems keep this crap up, it will be a landslide for Trump ....
I’m just gona keep living my life as well as I can until someone try’s to stop me. We will see what happens when that day comes. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I could understand that for sure. We recently bought our house so we are stuck here for a while. Only big financial decision I have is doing what I can to keep working and trying to decide how much to keep pumping into the stock market while the price is low. Sent from my iPhone using Forums^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1300497708248190977|twgr^share_3&ref_url=
Stocking up on food and supplies...things in Rochester are getting bad their crowds were bigger than I've seen I some of the MSM cities shown daily.
I wish I could link on this but sure you've seen the video. So I wonder, will MSM have the narrative of "mostly peaceful labor day weekend barbeque of .....ooopppsss protesters. "
Anybody else see the video of the people screaming people at a restaurant. A woman walked up to a couples table grabbed a drink off the table and took a drink. Good thing I do not go into the city because if I was sitting there with my wife and somebody tried that there is going to be issues.