It might win him more votes. People up there don't dislike the police but they can be headstrong. Evidently there will be a council meeting that is live streamed. They should sell advertising or access raise some $ for the town. That is an hour 15 minutes north of me in the Branard lakes area where a lot of city folk have lake estates.
And this is why we dont want these extreme leftists to take hold of our government. Enter California’s Assembly Bill (“AB”) 979. They talked about this earlier this year and I thought no way they would vote for it. Well they did. Waiting on the Governor.... AB 979 would require public companies headquartered in California to have at least one board member from an under-represented community — based on race, ethnicity and sexual orientation and identity — by the end of next year. Lawmakers sent it to Newsom late Sunday night.
I'm confident enough to say that a live, no teleprompter debate between Biden and Trump will happen, that if it does not, @dnoodles will go 2 months without an alcohol saturated drink.
I do get a kick out of the antifa crowd saying they want a revolution, given a fair fight face to face they will get piss pounded like a narc at a biker rally. Like a tough guy city kid out in the country talking ****, a hay seed plow boy will kick the dog piss out of a skid from the city.
Good saved money on his public defender. what a POS. I am sick and tired of being told that my way of living is part of the problem. I oppress no one I get up and go to work and do my job pay taxes and I am being told I am part of systematic racism and it is not enough to raise my kids as color blind to see all people as equal. Guess I will just isolate my racist ass out in the country if antifa brings their revolution out here there will be hell to pay. People fleeing the cities because they are not safe, fine come out to the country but leave your city baggage behind. Do not come out here and tell us how you are used to how things are in the city and how we need to change. The country feeds and clothes the cities do not forget that. How dare them tell her she can't be a world where a boy can be a girl, girl be a boy, a girl can be a gay boy, etc....I thought is was all about how we identify....LMAO!!!! But you can't be black or identify as black!
That's what I was thinking too. The way she holds the microphone. Sorry my bad she is somebodies daughter probably a dad's pride and joy.