Maybe it was the crowd noise that was missing, but for me it didn't resonate the best. Not a bad message by any meams, but the delivery was my ugh moment. I watched the DNC and I'll watch all of the RNC, when politicians go unchecked policies get delivered unchecked. I watch local government sessions as well
They need to make sure the names of those rhino defectors especially the 3 NYS are put out there for all to to see until we can vote them out. Trump made it known his intent to push term limits. The fact these pukes want "FREE TRADE" in other words a continuation of pocket lining and selling out the country. May they all suffer, till end of life, shingles.
I'm going to add on this separately. Trump's presidency should go down as the most challenged of all time. Seriously, what other presidency has went through such resistence by the opposing party, their own party and the media/public but still been able to carry out a lot of the promises made on their campaign. Love him or hate him, Trump has done unprecedented things while in office facing the strictest of opposition. Obama and Biden got half of what they wanted while being praised the entire way. 2016-2018 majority holders should be the toes in the fire.
Obama had his fair share of criticism, but it has been nothing short of a smear campaign since the days leading up to the election when all of those sexual assault victims stepped forward. To be fair he makes it easy for them with some of the things he says but if you went back and went through all the headlines since he has been elected you wouldn’t be able to make a story to hold all of them. I don’t see how anyone can justify voting for that party since the only thing they have been interested in doing since his election has been make sure he doesn’t get elected next time. I don’t know how he has any desire to run again tbh. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
How to tell Democrats know they blew it with their convention... Donna Brazile lost her ****e on Fox this morning...then where did she go....400 yrs ago...give me a break!!!
Ah, I think you are confused between public use facilities and Fed government owned facilities. It would be a violation of the Hatch Act if a FEDERAL employee were to use the government owned facility for political purpose. Trump probably doesn't get charged under that act but any employee that assists in the event probably could be.
Not really confused the article I read was shoddy journalism it was however reported as public property. I do not see a problem during these trying times that Trump can do it from his yard, the rose garden.
I think she is one of those singers that goes by 1 name or something somebody played some of her music for me, evidently I was displaying my resting WTF face.
I am SO proud of this VA police chief. I would work for her any frigging day! VA Senator conspiring with other higher up public persons to commit felonies. Then she denies it the next day even though she was caught on body cam lying. Then they lie on the female Police Chief. Not a smart move. 1 Min mark below. 530 min mark on this one!