Listen to this guy speak ... he is 100% spot on at a city council meeting ....
BTW, I dont buy Goodyear tires because they suck !! .. even with regular rotation, I could never come close to their warranty miles, tread was gone at 30K on a 55K tire ... I went to Cooper several years back and a 60K tire is a 60K tire, or damn close to it ...
Devil's advocate, but what if it was Cooper that made the statement/policy announcement? Seriously doubt many were politically motivated against one or the other before now...
We are running the same parts, except we run a lot of John Deere axles and stuff like that too. Crazy. We have already had a couple rounds of layoffs Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I don't get the up roar then again the only label or logo I wear or display is either the Twins or the Packers, nobody knows who I would vote for by looking at me or my truck.
Yet again this was one of those sit up and pay attention news cycle Trump things. He actually said it if you were reading . The lefts cancel culture has a one way street and Trump was saying let them have traffic going in their direction. Good Year is one of those companies that rely on actual adult working people. They need to get their dumb azz executives in line . Like it or not, I do because well I really get it, Trump baits. People just don't think anymore,sorry but true. They only react. He calculates reactions and speaks to that. He stirs the pot. It's why people that know him,that get it, are always saying look to all his actions and not all his words YA,YA,YA " A world leaders words are too important to play games. " Give me a break! Any world leader opening their traps have more lies than Truths falling out of them. Most intelligent people know this. Then their actions back that up. Trumps "style" will always madden the people use to the Norm. It's why they hate him. He has them so tied up they can't counteract without hysteria. Well just look at that dem convention almost laughable. So let GOOD YEAR sweat a while.
AOC. What has she earned to get a spot to talk in primetime? Nothing. When she said she nominates Bernard Sanders she sounded like a little school girl who had practiced her lines and then dumbed-down her voice.
The the review of Unhinged starring russle crow, the character is described as an angry white american male. Ok the actor is from New Zealand but second would a review of a movie with a black or asian or hispanic actor would skin color be acceptable to call out? The people that are so sensitive about people of color seem to be completely ok with bashing white males. You people are hypocrites.